BAKU: Turkish Prime Minister Criticizes Apologizers To Armenians


Azeri Press Agency
Dec 17 2008

Ankara-APA. Turkish Prime Minister Receb Tayib Erdogan reacted to
the Internet campaign started by a group of scientists, writers,
journalists and representatives of the non-governmental organizations
to apologize to Armenians for 1915 events in Ottoman Empire.

Erdogan said his government had tried to normalize relations with
Armenia since coming to power: "We allowed avia cargo transport to
Armenia and restored Armenian church in Akdamar, Van province. Our
president visited Yerevan to watch Armenia-Turkey match. However I do
not join and do not support the campaign started on Internet. I did
not commit a crime that to apologize for it. I do not understand the
people, who started this campaign and I think they are wrong. The
good will approach is one thing and apologizing for not committed
crime is another".

Turkish President Abdullah Gul called the campaign an appearance of
opinion pluralism in the society.