Categories: News

Food Prices Are Getting Higher


17:08 16/12/2008

"During holidays the food prices are getting higher every year. People
call us and complain that things are getting expensive. I can add that
they will get even more expensive," said the President of "Protection
of Customers’ Rights" NGO Abgar Eghoyan to Panorama.am. He said that
the customers mainly complain that sweets, dairy products, eggs and
legume prices are getting higher.

To the question whether the NGO has applied to the State Committee
for Economic Competition, Mr. Eghoyan said that not yet. Generally
speaking the NGO applies to the Committee every year but their claims
are being shortened. Hence they don’t receive the result they want to.

The press secretary of State Committee for Economic Competition Armine
Udumyan said that they have organized monitoring in food markets
and have found out that sale system is working well enough. She has
just mentioned that the prices of egg and diary products have been
increased, as the firms buy milk with higher prices.

Kharatian Ani:
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