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Medal of Courage of the ROA to Lieutenant Colonel Samvel Martirosyan

Public Radio of Armenia
December 17, 2008

Medal of Courage of the Republic of Armenia to Lieutenant Colonel Samvel

On December 15 President Serzh Sargsyan signed a decree on conferring a
Medal for Courage upon the Deputy Commander of the military unit #25836,
Lieutenant Colonel Samvel Martirosyan for the courage and devotion
demonstrated when carrying out his duties.

During the practical training of throwing hand grenades at the shooting
gallery of the military unit on December 12, the grenade slipped out of the
hand of the Junior Sergeant and exploded. At that moment the Lieutenant
Colonel demonstrated personal courage and covered a soldier with his body,
thus saving his life.

Today President Serzh Sargsyan handed the high award to Samvel Martrosyan.
Expressing gratitude for his service, the President said: `I’m glad and
proud that the number of Officers ready to demonstrate courage and bravery
if necessary is increasing in our army. The serviceman’s life is sometimes
endangered even in peaceful times.

President Sargsyan hailed the fact that servicemen risked his life to save
his subordinate. `This is how the Commander should behave,’ he stressed.

Public Radio of Armenia

Mamian George:
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