Will Respond On The Battlefield


[07:12 pm] 16 December, 2008

"We have refrained from giving political evaluations to this day with
the hope that the administration is leading a pro-Armenian foreign
policy. But it is strange and unclear why NKR is currently deprived
of the status of a conflicting side, which it acquired in 1994, and
why that deprivation was ratified in the Moscow declaration signed
recently," this was the concern expressed by members of the "Special
Regiment Veterans" NGO.

Recalling that their organization was established in 1990 and has gone
through thick and thin during the Karabakh war, the veterans stated:

"The position adopted by our administration to Azerbaijan’s bellicose
announcements forces us to recall that the liberated lands of
Artsakh and Armenia are not a subject for bargaining neither through
concessions or mutual concessions."

The "Special Regiment Veterans" NGO is reaching out to the people of
NKR and announces:

"If a war restarts, as in 1990, the "Special Regiment Veterans" NGO
is ready to serve Armenia and Artsakh for the sake of liberty and
independence. We will respond to Aliev’s bellicose announcements on
the battlefield," threatened the veterans.