Categories: News

Aliyev Dynasty Will Live On And Prosper

Karine Ter-Sahakyan

20.12.2008 GMT+04:00

Indeed, why should Ilham Aliyev let go the reins of power in a country
that was established for him by his father Heydar Aliyev, who almost
incessantly ruled Azerbaijan from 1969 up to his death in 2003.

At last happened what was long foreseen to happen in Azerbaijan;
Parliament "asked" Ilham Aliyev to become a life-term President
of the country. Though, that was all wrapped up in "democratic"
package. On December 18 Azerbaijani Parliament (Milli Medjlis) made
a decision to send the Draft on Holding a Constitutional Referendum
to the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan with the aim to receive
"Legal Opinion" on introducing changes into the Constitution.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The major aim of the amendments is to lift the
restriction on electing as a president one and the same person more
than twice successively. President Aliyev wasn’t able to refrain and
chose the way as Islam Karimov and Nursultan Nazarbayev, as well as the
emirs and khans of the East. Indeed, why should he let go the reins of
a country that was established for him by his father Heydar Aliyev, who
almost incessantly ruled Azerbaijan from 1969 up to his death in 2003.

The amendment to the Constitution is quite distinct: in case the
country is at war presidential elections are postponed till the end of
the military operations. This decision is made by the Constitutional
Court of Azerbaijan on the basis of an application sent by the state
body responsible for holding elections (referendum). In other words,
we should realize that in order to convert a story into reality
Baku is ready to provoke a "short-lasting triumphant war" at any
moment. And all this despite the fact that we all had an experience
of such a war and are well aware of its outcome. Is it possible that
Baku believes Karabakh people will wait for the Russian or any other
forces to arrive in order to defend their land? But Ilham I won’t
obviously decide on a military solution to the Karabakh problem as
in that case he would have to waive the perspectives of preserving
power. Like his father, he is not going to hand down his son Heydar
II a country in chaos and disorder. He perfectly knows what it is,
and the Azerbaijani elite don’t need new gorgeous complexes.

Opposition forces and civil society institutes of Azerbaijan, however,
are against the suggested amendments to the Constitution. In the words
of Democratic Party Leader Sardar Jalaloglu, six opposition parties
and a number of leading NGOs held a round table and arrived at the
decision to fight together against execution of the amendments. "If
the amendments should be adopted Azerbaijan will suffer the same
fate as the African countries where reigns the odious dictatorial
regime. Opposition intends to launch a campaign on gathering
signatures and organize mass protest actions against the Constitutional
amendments," Jalaloglu noted.

However, all these protest actions will lead to nothing and the
hopes on "democratic" Azerbaijan will remain just hopes. Strangely
enough neither the USA nor the EU has yet reacted to the initiative
of Azerbaijani parliamentarians. On the other hand, it can be assumed
that they will display a neutral reaction. Be it as it may, it is
more preferable to have a predictable leader rather than one like
Saakashvili, an alleged democrat.

Meanwhile the image of a kind tsar or, that of a khan, call it as you
wish, is being consolidated by quite available means. The other day the
first volume of "Ilham Aliyev: Development is our goal" was published.

"A fabulous future awaits Azerbaijan… We have great plans, great
perspectives and a great future. And in order to convert all these
plans into a reality Azerbaijan should keep to the policy of Heydar
Aliyev. The Azerbaijani people made their choice by voting for this
policy in 1993. There is neither an alternative to this policy, nor
can it ever be. Any alternative will definitely get Azerbaijan into
trouble… We are going to continue the policy of Heydar Aliyev; we are
going to develop Azerbaijan into a rich and powerful state… We want
every region of our country to develop. Even the smallest villages,
settlements and districts are going to advance… This is our goal. I
am sure this is the aim and plan of the every Azerbaijani citizen".

The preface goes: "For four years on end our country has been the
first in the world by the rates of economic growth. International
authority of Azerbaijan has advanced even further and today it is a
country that carries out an independent policy, holds its position,
and has become a reliable ally and a recognized leader in the South
Caucasus Region. It’s the country that till recently used to import
gas and pressed towards attracting international investments,
while today she herself endows energy security in Europe, makes
investments abroad and supports herself. These are facts that make
proud every patriotically-disposed Azeri. They once more prove that the
above-mentioned words have long become a vivid reality". Here is the
prospering Azerbaijan! There is absolutely no hint that in conjunction
with the abrupt cut of prices on oil next year Azerbaijan will have
to resort to the help of international financial institutes. Neither
is there a hint of Azeri soldiers hanging themselves, captives being
reluctant to return to their homeland, to dynamically developing
Azerbaijan. As for the numerous murders, they are a topic we don’t
absolutely feel like discussing…

Kamalian Hagop:
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