Pipeline To Connect Iran, Armenia


Press TV
Dec 22 2008

Yeraskh is to host the receiving terminal of the pipeline running
between the two neighbors Construction of a multi million-dollar
pipeline connecting neighbors, Iran and Armenia is to begin next year,
an Armenian minister says.

The 300-kilometer pipeline will run from Iran’s northwestern city
of Tabriz to Armenia’s southern city of Yeraskh, the Armenian Energy
Minister, Armen Movsisian told reporters on Monday.

"Armenia will receive petrol and diesel fuel from the oil refinery
located in the Iranian city of Tabriz through the pipeline,
construction of which starts next spring," he said.

Movsisian estimated that the pipeline would be completed in two years
and would cost between $200-240 million with each country covering half
the cost. The project was meant to diversify Yerevan’s energy supplies.

"In order to guarantee the country’s energy security we are moving
toward the diversification of energy supplies," Movsisian continued.

Armenia and Iran enjoy cultural and historical ties dating back
thousands of years. There are no border disputes between the two
countries and the Christian Armenian minority in Iran enjoys official