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Transport Minister Of Armenia Satisfied With The Work Done In 2008

Hasmik Dilanyan

23.12.2008 16:52

The Minister of Transport and Communication of Armenia, Gurgen
Sargsyan, told a press conference today that they have fulfilled almost
all the programs envisaged for 2008. Next year they will continue
the incomplete projects, nothing will hamper their implementation
even the world financial crisis.

The road construction on the financial means provided by the Millennium
Challenge Corporation will continue in 2009. What will be the fate
of the rest 280 km if the Corporation suspends the financing? The
Minister is optimistic.

A number of changes have taken place during Gurgen Sargsyan’s tenure in
office. In particular, the Armenian Railway was given to the Russian
Railways Company for concession management. The third cell operator
entered the Armenian market. "orange" Company of France Telecom won
the tender among three main contenders. However, no change in fees
is expected, since, according to the Minister, one should not expect
a revolution from the entry of the third cell operator.

Changes were implemented in RA Law on State Due, as a result of
which individual taxi drivers have to pay 25 thousand AMD instead of
200 thousand.

The process of licensing was suspended until January 15,
2009. According to Gurgen Sargsyan, a number of taxi drivers have
already applied and received=2 0licenses. In a few days it will become
clear whether the drivers are content with the Ministry of not.

Next year the incomplete projects will be continued. This refers to
the Iran-Armenia railway, as well as the Yerevan-Batumi highway.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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