Kazakhstan Supports Regulation Of Karabakh Issue OSCE Minsk Group An


Dec 25, 2008

Charge d’affaires of Kazakhstan to Armenia Nurbolat Alimbayev assesses
the passing year in respect of development of Armenian-Kazakh relations
as successful.

He noted that Armenian-Kazakh relations have a great potential
for development: striving for political and economic development
Kazakhstan has directed its glance to the western countries where
innovation, communication and IT technologies are more developed and
Armenia will serve as a bridge as far as Kazakhstan regards it as a
European country.

N. Alimbayev also referred to the readiness of the presidents of
the two countries to put the process of development of relations
between the two countries on a higher level: particularly during the
meeting December 19 at non-official summit of heads of CSTO member
countries Armenian and Kazakh presidents Serzh Sargsian and Nursultan
Nazarbayev stressed the importance of the further development of
economic cooperation and expansion of the volume trade turnover.

The charge d’affaires noted that a general history binds Armenia and
Kazakhstan as they have been within one and the same country for 70
years long.

"People in Kazakhstan are well aware of Armenia and Armenian
culture. According to the official information, today nearly 25,000
Armenians live in Kazakhstan, but I think their number is even
more. The history is impossible to forget", he pointed out.

According to N. Alimbayev, the Armenian community is involved in the
social, cultural and political life of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan conducts
balanced policy towards all the nations and religious directions.

Referring to the regulation of Karabakh issue, N. Alimbayev noted that
Kazakhstan defends the regulation of the issue within the frameworks of
OSCE Minsk group as well as continuation of peaceful negotiations. He
assessed the present round of the regulation of the issue positive.

According to "Way to Europe" 2009-2011 state program Kazakhstan applied
for chairmanship in OSCE in 2010 during which it will exert all efforts
towards the regulation of the frozen conflicts for ensuring stability
and security in the world.

Kazakh consul in Armenia Askar Basibekovich noted that at present
there are several issues connected with passports and registration
which is conditioned by the circumstance that formerly they were
within USSR and no such issues could rise.

N. Alimbayev considered the inner stability and ensuring of harmony
the most important achievements of Kazakhstan after the collapse of
the USSR.