Categories: News

Vardan Jhangiryan Needs Rest Cure


[02:40 pm] 26 December, 2008

Today the police escort sent after Vardan Jhangiryan, the brother of
ex Deputy Prosecutor General Gagik Jhangiryan, returned to the court
without the defendant. Chief inspectors of Kentron and Nork-Marash
District Police Division Sayat Sargsyan and Anushavan Eghikyan
again found Vardan Jhangiryan in bed with a doctor injecting him
anaesthetic. Representatives of the Ombudsman’s Office, journalists
and advocates were at Jhangiryan’s place at that moment.

"It is the second time I have examined Jhangiryan this week, and I must
say that he needs bed rest. He feels pain at each movement. His state
is the same. He needs serious in-patient treatment," said district
doctor Irina Martirosyan.

Remind that Vardan Jhangiryan suffers from vertebral tuberculosis. His
health further aggravated after receiving a missile wound during the
detention on February 23.

Today at 11:00 Yerevan’s Criminal Court chaired by Judge Mnatsakan
Martirosyan reopened the trial of Vardan Jhangiryan which was
immediately adjourned because of the defendant’s nonattendance. This
time Judge Martirosyan didn’t even wait for the police escort or
the advocates. He confirmed the standing judgment on Jhangiryan’s
compulsory attendance and scheduled the next court sitting for
January 20.

Note that Advocate Lusine Sahakyan who was hurrying to the court
to submit a health certificate about her defendant’s state and
petition the judge to dismiss the case, was surprised to find the
trial completed.

Navasardian Karapet:
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