What Should We Eat In Winter?


[01:29 pm] 26 December, 2008

"One should eat healthy, rational and balanced food to avoid
contracting diseases in winter," says dietician Vardanush
Petrosyan. "One should eat everything: vitamins, rock salt, fat and
carbohydrate. They strengthen our immune and nervous systems and help
us resist viruses."

There is a so-called food pyramid which includes corn and potatoes,
dairy, vegetables, fruit, meat and fat. To feel well all year round
one has to eat all above-mentioned foodstuffs by a portion compliant
with the person’s weight, age, physical activity, etc. Each product
is important for the organism. Finally, let’s not forget about old
tradition among our nation: Armenians bottle and dry fruit, vegetables
for winter.

In winter people gain weight as they move less than usual. Besides,
days become shorter and colder, people rarely go out and mostly eat
potatoes and macaroni. In such cases their physical passiveness gives
rise to different diseases. Many diseases, such as pancreatic diabetes,
overweight, obesity, cardiovascdulare diseases, alergies are resuted
by malnutrition.

People eat products with large calories in winter which do not
contain all necessary vitamins and minerals, they are recommended to
take vitamins and polyvitamins. But they should be taken only upon
doctor’s prescription. Vitamins and polyvitamins greatly promote
to the organism’s immune resistance and metabolism. One should eat
mostly hot meals and drink tea, water, and juices. Walks in the open
air are also encouraged.