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NKR Defense Army’s Council Convenes A Sitting In Stepanakert


29.12.2008 12:47

On 27 December at the Officer’s Palace of capital Stepanakert took
place a meeting of the NKR Defense Army’s Military Council convoked
to sum-up the activities of the army in 2008. During the meeting
President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan delivered
a comprehensive speech, Central Information Department of the Office
of the NKR President reported.

In his speech the head of state particularly said:

"Generals and officers, Respected participants,

I am glad to greet all of you. It is the hard and consecutive work
carried out army and people that has enabled us to gather today and sum
up the results of the year in the conditions of tranquility and peace.

During the current year we succeeded in defending and further
strengthening the borders of our country, raising fighting efficiency
of the Defense Army, ameliorating social conditions of the servicemen,
solving a number of security issues.

Aggressive and anti-Armenian policy waged by the authorities of
Azerbaijani, sharp drastic increases in military spending, frequent
violations of the cease-fire regime require us to be more vigilant
and purposeful in strengthening defense potential of the country. The
issues related to state security, army building, combat readiness of
the servicemen represent call of the times for us.

As a suprem e commander-in-chief today I can declare with great
satisfaction and pride that the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Defense Army
is strong and battle-worthy, it is ready to rebuff any encroachment of
the enemy. The neutralization of the enemy’s subversive actions in this
March and November by our soldiers is the best evidence of that. The
state has valued the subversive and heroism of the servicemen.

It is symbolic that servicemen representing different generations
fought together against the enemy. This is the embodiment of smooth
alternation of generations and a strong commitment to keep good
traditions. I have given appropriate instructions to the government for
employment assistance to officers demobilized from the armed forces.

The results of current and general inspections, as well as military
maneuvers also show high level of combat readiness and fighting
strength. It is worth mentioning that successful completion of the
recent offensive war games has demonstrated that the Defense Army not
only effectively protects our borders but if necessary it is able to
transfer military operations deep into the territory of an aggressor
state and enforce it to accept peace.

However, we must keep being watchful not to allow the enemy event think
about taking the initiative and dictate his will to us. Everybody must
realize that the independence and security of the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic are not matter of speculations once and for all.

Activi ties directed to strengthening our borders make efficient
patrolling carried out in the positions.

I have given instructions and orders concerning army building, the
situation along the line of contact, amelioration of social conditions
of the servicemen and other related issues during consultations with
the supreme command staff of the army. The last such consultation
took place on 15 of December. I was reported that the discussed issues
have been brought to the notice of appropriate chains, so I will not
touch upon those questions.

However, I would like to underline once again the importance of
issues related to armaments, logistics, intelligence, aid defense,
military discipline. Elaborating effective ways to find solve these
issues will have a palpable impact on strengthening the country’s
defense capacity and combat readiness.

I consider positive considerable reduction of the enemy’s activities
along the line of contact, which were the results of proper exercise
of intelligence activities and control of the situation.

I consider important maintaining proper discipline in military
units. Of course, in military units exercising combat duties along
the line of contact in a situation of constant tensions extraordinary
cases cannot be excluded.

However, necessary steps should be taken to minimize cases of
deaths and injuries of servicemen that take place under other
circumstances. Special attention should be paid to the issue of

carrying out daily duties of the commanders and officers on the basis
of utmost responsibility, high discipline and self-conscience, maximal
attentiveness towards the subordinate. Any inappropriate causality
casts negative impact on the morale and fighting efficiency of the
army, on its image and on further strengthening the society-army ties.

The fighting efficiency of the army is directly connected with social
conditions of the servicemen and their families. For this very reason
the state keeps in the spotlight the progress of work related to
these issues.

The defender of the Fatherland should be as free of everyday
necessities of life as possible, so that to carry out his duties
adequately. Within this context I consider positive the fact
that in 2008 around 130 servicemen were provided with comfortable
apartments. This practice will be of a continuing nature.

The authorities pay special attention to the needs of the
families of the perished, missing-in-action and wounded freedom
fighters. Serious work has been carried out to solve their social
problems, including those related to housing, life conditions, health
and education. Parallel with this I consider important assistance of
the state in full integration of the disable into the society. The
program of providing hand operation cars to the first disability group
freedom fighters pursues this very purpose. I am confident that this
policy will have a positive impact on further stre ngthening healthy
moral and psychological atmosphere both in the armed forces and in
the society.

In different fields of activities in our country, in public life,
in ameliorating socioeconomic conditions of veterans and the disable,
in patriotic upbringing of the younger generation the Union of Freedom
Fighters of Artsakh plays an important role. The authorities of the
Nagorno Karabakh Republic rated high active participation of freedom
fighters that contribute to the development and prosperity of the
Fatherland and will keep providing assistance to the activities of
the union in every possible way

Dear participants, I would like to mention that the participation
of the President of the Republic in such meetings will become
traditional. This will enable to make more effective the activities
of the Defense Army, a sphere of vital importance to our country.

Summarizing my speech, I would like to congratulate the whole personnel
of our army on successful completion of the year and praiseworthy
realization of the assigned task. I also congratulate you on the
coming New Year and Christmas and wish everybody personal happiness,
good health and peace."

Toganian Liana:
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