ANKARA: Turkey wins UN seat in 2008 after intensive diplomatic drive

, Turkey
Jan 1 2009

Turkey wins UN seat in 2008 after intensive diplomatic drive

Turkey was elected non-permanent member to UN Security Council (UNSC)
for 2009-2010 period.

Thursday, 01 January 2009 12:38

Turkey put its candidacy for non-permanent seat in 2003; it won the
highest number of votes (151) in "Western European & Others Group" in
the elections held on October 17. Austria won 133 votes, and Iceland
received 87 votes in the elections.

Turkey and Austria became non-permanent members of UN Security Council
for two years. Turkey will begin its mission on January 1, 2009.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said that international community
extended strong support to Turkey. Noting that Turkey contributed to
peace efforts, stability and security in the world, Babacan said,
"Turkey, as a responsible member of international community within the
scope of UNSC, will continue its contributions both in its region and
in the world."

Turkey’s full solution for Cyprus solution

A delegation led by President Abdullah Gul and including Foreign
Minister Ali Babacan represented Turkey in the high-level meetings of
the 63rd term UN General Assembly on September 22-26.

Gul and Babacan kept Turkey’s support demand for UNSC elections high
on the agenda.

Speaking at the UN on September 23, Gul said that Turkey extended full
support to diplomatic efforts to find a political solution in Cyprus,
adding that the solution would be to set up a new partnership state
based on two founder states having equal status.

Holding a bilateral talk with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Gul
said that Turkey gave full support to President Mehmet Ali Talat of
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) as well as negotiation
process. Ban Ki-moon, in return, thanked Turkey’s continuous support
to the negotiation process in the island.

On September 27, Babacan held a very important tripartite meeting with
Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian and Azerbaijani Foreign
Minister Elmar Mammadyarov.


Cyprus was an important agenda item for Turkey in the UN in 2008. Four
years after Greek Cypriots rejected Annan Plan, talks resumed between
TRNC and Greek Cypriot administration under supervision of UN.

UN Secretary General Ban, in his report in June, welcomed the recent
developments in Cyprus; and said that opportunity window was open for
the solution of Cyprus problem.

The Council, which discussed the report of Ban, extended the mission
term of UN Peacekeeping Forces in Cyprus for six months.

Ban appointed Australia’s former foreign minister Alexander Downer as
his new special adviser to Cyprus on July 11. Ban and UNSC welcomed
the decision to resume comprehensive talks in the island on September

In his last Cyprus report released on December 2, Ban said that talks
in Cyprus were going well.

Events on UN agenda

-In a world list released on February 29 and showing the
representation rate of women at parliament, Turkey ranked the 89th
among 142 countries with a 9.1 percent rate.

-On March 19, Baki Ilkin, Turkey’s permanent representative to UN,
said that international cooperation was necessary in fight against
terrorism in UNSC.

-On May 21, Ban thanked Turkey and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan for the mediation role in peace talks between Israel and

-On July 11, UNSC condemned the attack which was staged in front of
U.S. Consulate General building in Istanbul.

-On November 13, Ban participated in the banquet which was hosted by
Erdogan to thank UN permanent representatives for Turkey’s being
elected non-permanent member to UNSC. Ban said that Turkey was a very
active partner of UN, and added that Turkey’s election meant
recognition of Turkey’s constructive leadership in many regions of the