ANKARA: 2009’s first protest in front of Israeli Embassy

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
Jan 2 2009

2009’s first protest in front of Israeli Embassy

A number of members of Alperen Ocakları, the youth branch of the
Grand Unity Party (BBP), gathered at the Israeli Embassy in Ankara a
few minutes before the new year. Having prayed for Palestinians killed
by the Israeli attacks, the group then shouted slogans condemning
Israel. Alperen Ocakları Ankara branch head Resul Gökhan Koruç said
they condemn Israel and support the Palestinians.

A group of 15 people in southern Antalya province welcomed 2009 by
swimming in the sea and protesting Israeli actions in Gaza as well as
those supporting an apology campaign initiated by a group of Turkish
intellectuals who criticized the indifference and injustice to the
sufferings of Armenians that took place in Ottoman territories in
1915. The group called on the intellectuals who apologized to the
Armenians to allow history to be judged by historians and to not
meddle. The spokesperson of the group, attorney Mehmet Ali
Yıldırım, said: "There cannot be an apology for an uncommitted
crime. We condemn those initiating this campaign." The group also held
banners reading "Murderer Israel" and "No war."