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Jinishian Memorial Foundation Gears Up To Host 2 Special Study Tours

Jinishian Memorial Foundation
Contact: Eliza Minasyan
Tel.: +374 (10) 56 70 58
Fax: +374 (10) 54 28 52
E-mail: jmf@jinishian.am
Address: 34 Abovyan St., Apt. 5
Yerevan 375009, Republic of Armenia


By Sona Hamalian

Among the key aspects that make the Jinishian Memorial Foundation
unique is its profoundly compassionate approach to the design of its
programs, and, ultimately, its beneficiaries. Rather than provide
quick fixes or handouts, the organization invests in the lives of
individuals and entire communities, guided by both an abiding sense of
empathy and a vision of long-term development ` in terms of
fostering economic self-sufficiency, social equality and vibrancy,
educational excellence, and spiritual growth.
Sponsored mainly by the Jinishian Memorial Program of the Presbyterian
Church USA, the Jinishian Memorial Foundation operates a comprehensive
program in Armenia, focusing not only on direct aid to disadvantaged
families, but also community development, education, economic
development, civil-society growth, health services, and spiritual
Since 1993, the foundation has assisted some 2.2 million individuals
in Armenia, and supported the work of over 150 grassroots NGOs through
collaborative projects. Given the enormously positive impact of its
work in the Armenian homeland, today the foundation enjoys the
partnership of major aid organizations such as the United States
Agency for International Development and Delegation of the European
Commission, as well as the support of a number of diaspora and Armenia
Recently the foundation announced two extraordinary Study Tours in
Armenia (May and September 2009), intended to give tourists the
opportunity to experience the very best of Armenia, through guided
sightseeing, and also gain first-hand insight into the work of the
The following is a conversation with Eliza Minasyan, Country Director
of the Jinishian Memorial Foundation in Armenia. I caught up with her
in Yerevan, at the headquarters of the Jinishian Memorial Foundation,
where she was busy responding to a flurry of overseas inquiries about
the upcoming Study Tours.

Sona Hamalian: How did the idea of organizing the Study Tours come about?

Eliza Minasyan: The idea came about in response to a variety of needs
but also considering our foundation’s key capacities for
organizing such tours.
First, the needs:
– there is a need in the diaspora to learn about the motherland, to discover not only the wonderful cultural heritage of our ancestors but also the everyday life and aspirations of the Armenian people ;
– there is a need in the Armenian tourism industry to introduce
unique, extraordinary tours that offer visitors the sights, sounds,
and aromas of modern Armenia and also explorations of the
country’s timeless historic destinations;
– there is a need among current and potential donors and supporters
to gain first-hand insight into Armenia’s economic, social, cultural,
and educational aspects as well as the ways to address core issues in
a proven and effective manner;
– and there is a need for external expertise and funds to help
Armenians overcome ongoing social and economic adversities.
As for the capacities:
– our foundation has extensive development experience throughout
Armenia, with projects dedicated to economic and community
development, education, health, and spiritual uplift. This means that
those taking the Study Tours will get to see most of the country’s
regions, interact with people from all walks of life, and visit all
the institutions around which Armenian life thrives ` such as
universities and schools, children’s art centers and theaters,
churches, community organizations, and hospitals. It’s important to
note that these visits will not be `passive.’ Rather, they will give
diaspora visitors the chance to communicate and spend time with
students, priests, and professionals from various fields including NGO
representatives, farmers, and community activists;
– many of our staff members, including myself, have considerable
experience in guiding tours. In addition, for the past ten years, I’ve
witnessed a growing need for what I like to call `living’ tours, which
would enable visitors to gain a real sense of the country;
– finally, the Study Tours are being jointly organized by our
mother organization in the U.S., the Jinishian Memorial Program, whose
great reputation gives tour takers the confidence that they will enjoy
a professionally planned, well thought-out, and profoundly fulfilling
travel experience.

SH: Are the Study Tours open to all tourists or just Jinishian
Foundation supporters?

EM: They are open to everyone, though our current donors are being
offered special rates. Depending on the applications, the Study Tours
can also be customized for specific groups, based on traveler
preferences and even the age of participants.

SH: What will the sightseeing components of the tours entail?

EM: They will comprise all the major attractions and much more. Cities
will include Yerevan, Echmiadzin, Vanadzor, Dilijan, Goris, Jermuk,
Sevan, Gyumri, as well as Stepanakert and Shushi in Karabagh.
Specific sites will include Khor Virap, a place of pilgrimage for
Armenians all over the world; Noravank Monastery (13-14th centuries),
situated on a ledge over the Arpa River gorge and surrounded by
fantastic red rocks; Tatev monastery (14th-15th centuries), on the
edge of a gigantic canyon; Holy Echmiadzin, the Vatican City of
Armenia and the center of the Armenian Apostolic Church; Zvartnots
Cathedral, famous for its unique architecture; the magnificent Odzum
Church (7th century); the Sanahin monastery complex; and also
Ghazanchetsots Cathedral and Gandzasar Monastery in Karabagh. Of
course, the tours will also include visits to a number of major
museums and theaters.

SH: So it seems to me that tour participants will get to visit not
only popular destinations but also unusual, off-the-beaten-track

EM: Exactly. That is the main purpose. Some of the places I mentioned
are usually left out of commercial tours because they’re considered
inconvenient or too time-consuming for big groups. But that’s not an
issue with us, since we’re flexible and our groups will not exceed 12
people each. In short, the Study Tours will definitely go further than
conventional, business-driven tours.

SH: In terms of becoming familiar with the work of the Jinishian
Foundation, what are some of the sites that tour participants will be
taken to?

EM: They will visit regional universities where we implement projects
that provide students with the necessary skills and experience for
contributing to the country’s civic life. Tour participants will join
school debates to discuss topics of vital importance to the
youth. They will witness the dedicated work of medical personnel at a
rehabilitation center in Stepanakert. Participants will also view
artworks produced by socially disadvantaged children and interact with
farmers and villagers in some of Armenia’s most pristine rural
All the site visits included in the Study Tours are designed to
encourage meaningful communication and socialization. Thus
local-community members and leaders will be meeting us, telling us
their stories, expressing their feelings, and even joining visitors
for dinner or lunch.

SH: What were some of the major achievements of the Jinishian
Foundation in 2008?

EM: Well, we worked hard and enjoyed it. One of the most significant
achievements was that we increased private donations from the diaspora
for our current projects, without even any serous PR or fundraising
activities on our part. We really treasure those who trusted our work
and supported it. I am not in the least diminishing the crucial
importance of donor outreach or saying we won’t engage in serious
fundraising in the future. I just confess my sincere acknowledgment of
those who trusted us with their heart.

SH: What are some of the foundation’s priority-assistance areas for

EM: While we consider all of our program areas as priorities, in 2009
we will place additional emphasis on projects that assist communities
(including farmers, students, families, and children with special
needs) in many of Armenia’s remote rural areas.

SH: Is there a major challenge or hurdle that the foundation still
faces in implementing its projects?

EM: The main challenge that we face is not logistical in nature but
rather psychological. It has to do with certain social stereotypes and
taboos that have been inherited from the Soviet era. But in this sense
Armenian society has come a long way since independence, and I am
confident that greater social awareness and equity are constantly
being fostered.

SH: Do you agree that beneficiary participation is a core element of
the success of your programs? In this sense, how would you generally
characterize the foundation’s relationship with its beneficiaries, at
both the individual and community levels?

EM: Our beneficiaries play an enormous role in all of our projects. We
work with them very closely in terms of both project design and
implementation. In certain instances, beneficiaries are now actually
running the projects and doing a much better job than would be
expected from any professional NGO staff.

SH: What would you say is the role of the diaspora in the ongoing
success of Jinishian projects? And what can the diaspora do to help
ensure the long-term viability of these initiatives?

EM: The diaspora’s role is essential, and also greatly facilitated by
the fact that we’re a diaspora-based foundation. The Jinishian
Memorial Program, our main supporter and mother organization, was
founded through an endowment fund established by Vartan Jinishian. He
bequeathed all his property to Armenian communities in need. His
generous gift has helped change millions of lives since the 1960s,
bringing hope and support to Armenians not only in Armenia, but also
Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and elsewhere.
In addition, the foundation is assisted by private donations from
numerous diasporans, whose support helps nurture a sense of both unity
and responsibility in the Armenian world.
I would say that at this point I consider the biggest help from the
diaspora would be understanding and awareness of realities in
Armenia. I know that love rests at the heart of altruism. Yet
constructive, practical help comes out of understanding.


For more information or to book a Jinishian Memorial Foundation Study
Tour for 2009, please visit or contact Sara Todd,
Program Manager, Jinishian Memorial Program, at 502-569-5291 or

Sona Hamalian is a philanthropic advisor based in Yerevan. She also
heads Creative Networks, an international public-relations firm
promoting nonprofit organizations, cultural and educational
institutions, and artists.

Torosian Aram:
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