ANKARA: President warns against impact of 1915 apology

Hürriyet, Turkey
Jan 3 2009

President warns against impact of 1915 apology

ANKARA-The apology campaign for the events of 1915 would adversely
affect the diplomatic efforts between Turkey and Armenia, says
President Abdullah Gül, and the latest debates about the
campaign do not help relations with Yerevan

President Abdullah Gül, one of the main actors who initiated
the normalization process of Turkish and Armenian relations through
football diplomacy, said the apology campaign for 1915 events would
adversely affect the diplomatic efforts between the two countries.

"When we examine the latest debates in terms of their results, I do
not think they make a positive contribution," Gül said in a
televised interview on ATV on Thursday.

"Ideas that we like or not, support, or even fight against, can be
discussed if they do not target violence. However, the polarization
sometimes can reach serious dimensions due to the sensibility of the
subjects," Gül said.

Lively debates in Turkey Referring to his previous statements on the
campaign, he said his views had been distorted. "There is a free and
democratic atmosphere in Turkey, there is a live debate. I am content
with this," he said following the campaign.

Aside from his statements about the campaign, Gül’s rector
appointments also caused controversy in the country, calling his
presidential neutrality into question.

"I believe a new era should be initiated in universities. A new era
does not mean an era of silenced universities that do not take an
interest in the country’s issues or politics. However, I want our
universities not to become a platform for daily politics, but make
attempts to increase Turkey’s power," Gül said, adding that he
could abdicate his assignment power within this framework.

"However, a constitutional amendment is required. I hope Turkey can
undertake a more extended study on the constitutional amendments,
which includes everybody, in 2009. What is important here is the
method," Gül said.

Stating that the government and the opposition have many points in
common in their draft constitutions, he said there was consensus on
the main issues. "Issues should be discussed in an appropriate,
peaceful and participatory way, without turning them into polemics and
confusing them with daily politics."

In relation to the Constitutional Court’s decision that the two
articles of the Constitution on the headscarf could be amended only
through a court decision, Gül said everything could be
achieved. "All the draft constitutions agree on main issues, like
democratization, the rule of law and freedoms. Thus, I am optimistic,"
he said.

The articles, which foresee equality before the law and equal rights
in education, were amended by Parliament in an attempt to lift the
headscarf ban in universities. However, the Constitutional Court
canceled the amendments, starting a new debate over its jurisdiction.

Reflecting on the year 2008 for Turkey that fell on hard times due to
the closure case against the Justice and Development Party, or AKP,
terror attacks and the financial crisis, Gül said Turkey had
overcome these difficulties and gained ground. "Turkey tries to solve
these problems through its maturity. I see the debates as part of the
maturation process. Turkey has even started to debate some issues that
are discussed in the richest countries and seem marginal. These are,
indeed, good things," Gül said.

Gül also denied the allegations that Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip ErdoÄ?an and he were on strained terms.