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NK disclaims responsibility for peace deal if left out of talks

Armenian Public TV
Dec 30 2008

Karabakh disclaims responsibility for peace deal if left out of talks

The Democracy, Homeland, Armenian Revolutionary Federation –
Dashnaktsutyun and Movement-88 factions of the parliament of the
[breakaway Azerbaijani region of] Nagornyy Karabakh republic [NKR]
have issued a joint statement on the process of the Karabakh

The authors drew attention of the international community, mediating
states and stakeholder entities to the Azerbaijani official and public
position that did not match statements on a peaceful settlement of the
conflict, which manifested itself in threats to use force and in
comprehensive anti-Armenian propaganda.

Artsakh [Karabakh] is willing to legally and fully participate in the
efforts to achieve a peaceful settlement. Proceeding from the priority
of efficiently ensuring its sovereignty, territorial integrity and
security of its citizens, it cannot be part of the diplomatic efforts
aimed at changing the existing balance in the conflict area, and it
will not bear responsibility for any arrangement which will be
achieved without the consent demonstrated by the freely expressed will
of its people.

The statement of the NKR political forces emphasizes that Karabakh
highly assesses the authority of mediating countries aimed at reaching
a comprehensive settlement of the conflict and calls upon them to
exert necessary influence upon the Azerbaijani government in order to
put an end to the belligerent, aggressive and Armeniaphobic policy and
propaganda in that state. If the Azerbaijani government continues its
non-constructive policy, the NKR will take necessary measures to
neutralize dangers that threaten its security and independence, the
statement said.

[translated from Armenian]

Torgomian Varazdat:
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