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ANCA: Sen. Menendez Urges Clinton to Recognize Armenian Genocide

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648

January 13, 2009
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Asks Secretary of State-Designate to Continue
Record of Armenian Genocide Recognition During
Confirmation Hearing Viewed by Tens of Millions

— Watch Video exchange between Sen. Menendez and Sec. Of State
Designate Clinton at

WASHINGTON, DC – Speaking today during the nationally televised
Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearing for the
incoming Secretary of State, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) praised
Hillary Clinton’s long record of support for Armenian Genocide
recognition and urged her to continue her principled stand on this
core human rights issue as the nation’s top diplomat, reported the
Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

"We want to thank Bob Menendez for raising the need for U.S.
recognition of the Armenian Genocide today during Sen. Clinton’s
confirmation hearing, which was watched intently by tens of
millions across the United States and around the world," said Aram
Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA. "His comments, which
cited both the Secretary of State-Designate’s longstanding support
for the Armenian Genocide Resolution and President Obama’s pledge
to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide as President, reflect
the fact that the incoming Administration includes an unprecedented
number of officials with substantial track records of fighting for
the proper acknowledgement and commemoration of this crime against

During Senate Foreign Relations Committee questioning, Sen.
Menendez stated:

"I hope that the support that you gave while you were a Senator to
the question of the Armenian Genocide, that the President-Elect has
himself supported, recognition of that. You know, if we are to say
never again, part of that is ultimately the recognition of what has
happened so that we can move forward. And I hope that you will be
an advocate of having us get off of where we have been and move
forward to a recognition of that part of history that is
universally recognized so that we can move forward in that

"And I also hope in a part of the world that’s very important to
me, on the question of reunification of Cypress, that we have
honest brokers at the State Department, at the end of the day. One
that recognizes that if Greek and Turkish Cypriots could work with
each other, they would seek a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation that
could move forward and reunify the island and end the incredible
militarization of the island – the most militarized part of the
world per capita. So, I hope that you will look at those issues. I
know the positions you’ve taken as a Senator and I applaud them. I
hope that they won’t change drastically as you move to Secretary of

Secretary of State Designate Clinton responded:

"Senator, we will be looking very closely at those and other
challenging issues with the eye of moving forward and being
effective in responding to these very legitimate concerns."

Video of the exchange is posted on the ANCA YouTube channel:

Pr esident-elect Obama and Vice-President-elect Biden have actively,
repeatedly, and energetically called for U.S. reaffirmation of the
Armenian Genocide during their terms in the Senate. Of President-
elect Obama’s cabinet level nominees to date, at least four,
including Secretary of State Designate Hillary Clinton, have
championed this human rights issue.

Excerpts of statements by key Obama Administration officials
regarding Armenian Genocide affirmation are provided below.

** President-elect Barack Obama: "The Armenian Genocide is not an
allegation, a personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a
widely documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of
historical evidence. The facts are undeniable… America deserves a
leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide and
responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be that
President." (1/19/08)

** Vice President-elect Joe Biden: "Recognition by the United
States of the Armenian Genocide is not the final goal. The real
goal is the recognition of Turkey – of the Turkish Government – of
the Armenian Genocide and the establishment of a common Turkish-
Armenian understanding of the events and tragedy that took place,"
stated Sen. Biden. The real goal is the recognition of Turkey, of
the Turkish Government, of the Armenian Genocide and the
establishment of a common Turkish-Armenian understanding of the
events and tragedy that took place." (7/29/08)

** Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton: "I believe the
horrible events perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire against Armenians
constitute a clear case of genocide. I have twice written to
President Bush calling on him to refer to the Armenian Genocide in
his annual commemorative statement and, as President, I will
recognize the Armenian Genocide. Our common morality and our
nation’s credibility as a voice for human rights challenge us to
ensure that the Armenian Genocide be recognized and remembered by
the Congress and the President of the United States. (1/24/08)

** CIA Director-designate Leon Panetta: "April 24, 1915, signified
the beginning of a systematic attempt by the Ottoman regime to
deport and exterminate Armenians from the Anatolian Peninsula.
Over the next 8 years, 1 1/2 million Armenian people were murdered
by minions of the Ottoman Empire. Those who were spared were driven
from their homes. It is for those victims, and it is for all
oppressed peoples today, those who have died and those who
survived, that we take time to reflect on the Armenian genocide and
its implications for all of us today." (4/29/92)

** Interior Secretary-designate Ken Salazar: Cosponsor of Armenian
Genocide Resolution S.Res.106. (4/16/07)

** Labor Secretary-designate Hilda Solis: Cosponsor of Armenian
Genocide Resolution H.Res.106. (1/31/07)

** Transportation Secretary-designate Ray LaHood: Cosponsor of
Armenian Genocide Resolution H.Res.106. (8/27/07)

In addition to Administration officials, the U.S. Congress is today
led by among the most energetic and vocal advocates of American
recognition of the Armenian Genocide:

** Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi: "A grave
injustice was committed and the fact that our nation is not
officially recognizing these crimes as genocide is a
disappointment." (12/12/08)

** Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: "It truly saddens me that
after 93 years, the U.S. has failed to acknowledge the Armenian
genocide for what it was." (4/24/08)

** House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman:
"Genocide is a very powerful word, and should be reserved for only
the most horrific examples of mass killing motivated by a desire to
destroy an entire people. Without a doubt, this term is appropriate
to describe the unimaginable atrocities suffered by the Armenian
people from 1915 to 1918." (4/27/06)

** Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry:
"Acknowledging when genocide has occurred is not simply a
theoretical or legal exercise. It is key to preventing genocide
from happening again. That’s why, in my view, we must change U.S.
policy to reflect the true nature of the tragic events that were
perpetrated against the Armenians by calling them what they were:
genocide." (6/19/08)

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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