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Eduard Sharmazanov: There Is No Serious Ground To Deprive Armenia Of



Jan 12, 2009

Depriving the Armenian delegation of the vote in PACE is not in
country’s interests, but even in that case no "period of darkness"
will start in Armenia. RPA Spokesperson, NA deputy Eduard Sharmazanov
stated at the January 12 press conference. Meanwhile he considered
improbable making of such a decision in PACE expressing an opinion
that there is no serious ground for depriving Armenia of the vote.

According to E. Sharmazanov, "no one took Armenia to Europe by force,
it was our choice," and many provisions of Resolutions N 1906 and
1920 are admissible. According to him, no one but the RA authorities
is more interested in solving country’s problems, and the authorities
undertook sufficient steps to avoid possible sanctions. In his opinion,
irrespective of PACE’s decision, the authorities should continue the
reforms in all spheres.

E. Sharmazanov said that though a home political crisis emerged in
the country after the 2008 presidential elections, nevertheless the
authorities did their best to overcome the confidence deficit and to
restore public solidarity. According to him, we had both omissions and
achievements in 2008. Among the latters he mentioned the fact that for
the first time in Armenia’s reality country’s President made an address
from the National Assembly tribune touching upon not only positive, but
also vicious phenomena. E. Sharmazanov also attached importance to RA
President’s speech at the UN General Assembly, in which the necessity
to solve the Nagorno Karabakh problem in line with Artsakh people’s
interests was mentioned. E. Sharmazanov expressed satisfaction with
Armenian President’s initiative in the relations with Turkey mentioning
that "the football diplomacy" will receive its continuation this year,
as Serzh Sargsyan will leave for Turkey on a return visit for the
two countries’ football teams’ match. He reminded that Armenia is for
establishment of relations with Turkey without preconditions, but not
at the expense of the national dignity, therefore the authorities will
not renounce the policy aimed at recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Among the achievements in the economic sphere E. Sharmazanov mentioned
the end of the Iran-Armenia pipeline’s construction emphasizing
its significance for Armenia especially in the period of the "gas
war." He also attached importance to the programs of construction of
the Iran-Armenia railway, creation of an all-Armenian bank.

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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