Government Lacks Project Managers

13:49 15/01/2009

One of the Prime Minister’s assignments is partially implemented – 70
applications of business project have been presented to him. Previous
year the Prime Minister assigned Governmental administrations to
cooperate with scientific institutes and to present business plans on
how to ease the tension of world financial-economic crisis on Armenia.

The Prime Minister said that the majority of the applications have
been sent back to be redrafted as they did not correspond to their
demands, a part of the applications have been rejected and another
part is being discussed in the second round. "The State should support
the soonest implementation of those projects," said Tigran Sargsyan.

T. Sargsyan added that the Government lacks project managers, bodies
who are competent enough to implement those projects. He said that
certain employees of the ministers should be trained and prepared
for that mission.