Dirty speech from soup operas destroy our schools

15:46 24/01/2009


The scenes from soup operas flood the life of our school children and
they try to bring them into life, tells schoolboy Hrach’s sister to
Panorama.am. Several days ago Hrach and his friends beat their
classmate trying to keep as close to their favorite soup opera. Later
the mother of the beaten boy called to their house and asked them to
keep their boy far from those films and encourage him to do lessons.

The boy’s mother says that `he has nothing to do, and he always wants
to go outside. The only way to keep him home is those soup operas,
which are interesting enough. THEY ARE OUR REALITY.’

Hrach’s sister is concerned with the issue, how those dirty scenes and
speech can be the reality.

Our investigation showed that the breaks in schools are devoted to the
discussions of the films. `It does not matter, girls and boys gather
together and start the discussions,’ tells one of the teachers.

For example, Hayk, who studies at school, says that though he is not
going to marry soon, but `I have understood that I should not marry a
strip dancer. How can I marry that b.?’

Another schoolboy Vahan tells that he just has to watch the films as
his uncle has a role there. `In the reality they are not like that, I
don’t agree that they show the reality,’ he says.

Vahan tells that though his uncle plays in the soup opera, his parents
don’t allow him to watch the film, and they encourage him to do his
lessons. But Vahan has his own TV set in his room, and he can watch
it, anyway.

The director of `Sebastatsi’ educational center Ashot Bleyan says that
all the garbage of the reality they show adding some coloring.

The reality is that Hrach and his relatives keep watching those soup
operas. The only member to be concerned with them is Ann, Hrach’s

I am seriously concerned whether the reality is as dirtier as they
show; whether they can decide people’s fate, to live or not, whether
the sons of our deputies are so dangerous, ready to kill anybody at
any time. Who is responsible to answer Ann’s questions?

Source: Panorama.am