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BAKU: President accuses the West of applying double standards

Today.Az, Azerbaijan
Jan 30 2009

President of Azerbaijan accuses the West of applying double standards
regarding criticism of the March referendum in Azerbaijan

31 January 2009 [10:25] – Today.Az

"A proposal to scrap a two-term limit on his presidency was aimed at
creating more democracy, not keeping him in power indefinitely",
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said in his interview to Reuters.

President Aliyev accused the West of applying double standards in its
criticism of the referendum due in March on whether to scrap the
two-term limit.

"You will not find any member of the European Union whose leader
cannot be elected as many times as the people want him to be in this
position. Is it democratic? Yes. So the same should be applied to

"It is democratic, so if the people support this or that leader they
have the right to elect him. So I think lifting the restrictions (on
the number of terms) is more democratic than having these

"If the criticism is justified and when it comes from a respectable
source we are more than ready and willing to discuss it," he said.

"Some of the criticism we sometimes hear from various NGOs actualldoes
not bother (us) because this criticism is mainly biased." Aliyev said
the West often judged human rights selectively and ignored major
violations in countries where it had geopolitical interests. He
mentioned Armenia as an example. "The situation with human rights in
Azerbaijan is not bad. If you look at our region you will see that
countries in our neighbourhood who brutally violate the elementary
human rights of their people have not become the subject of
criticism." "Sometimes those countries that are considered to be more
friendly or more close or more, how to say it, more associated with
the West, if they do something wrong it is not noticed." "But if
Azerbaijan, which is also friendly to the West but which pursues its
own independent policy, does one percent of what those other countries
do then we immediately become a subject of criticism.



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