Categories: News

Hrant Margarian: Believe, Work, Win


03.02.2009 13:39

Yerevan (Yerkir) – ARF Bureau representative Hrant Margarian delivered
a speech at the fundraising dinner in Dubai.

Margarian extended gratitude to those who had gathered at the event
and those who could not make it. "Hay Dat has united us all," he
said. "A concrete work that is above current issues and differences
has united us.

This cause is aimed at strengthening Armenia and Armenians, at
accumulation of our collective potential to become a serious factor
in the world."

Margarian explained the activities of the Hay Dat offices, saying
that they are our ambassadors from Washington to Brussels, from Moscow
to Beirut.

"They unite and direct our efforts and those of our friends to raise
Armenia’s international image, to contribute to the economic growth,
to reach a final recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide,
to offset the anti-Armenian propaganda of Azerbaijan and Turkey."

He said that the fact of an independent statehood in Armenia increases
our chances to become a force in the world and to reach more ambitious
goals. "I am thankful to you for sharing this important approach with
the ARF," he added.

Margarian went on saying that for decades, it was only the Diaspora
that was dealing with the issue, and now, Armenia has joined the
efforts. The second important thing that should be realized at this
meeting, he said, is that any such task requires funding along with
personal dedication. He said he mentions it with satisfaction that
many Armenian businessmen donate large amounts to the Hay Dat offices.

"Don’t forget that our enemies, Turkey and Azerbaijan, spend enormous
government funds to make our rightful rights be forgotten. We have
to win in this competition," he added.

We believe and work, and Nagorno Karabakh will be free and independent,
he said, adding that we work for the final recognition of the Armenian

Madatian Greg:
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