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MCC To Transfer The Recurrent Tranche To Armenia

Gita Elibekyan

04.02.2009 17:14

The Millennium Challenge Corporation complied with the 10th application
of Armenia, which totals $6.8 million. During its sitting of December
11 the Board of Directors of the Millennium Challenge Corporation
had expressed concern over democratic governance in Armenia and
decided not to provide the 10th tranche. However, MCA-Armenia CEO
Ara Hovsepyan told "Radiolur" that the works have already started.

The Directorate of the Millennium Challenge Corporation had warned
Armenia several times about the recurrent tranche and expressed
dissatisfaction on different occasions.

When Armenia signed the agreement in 2005, it undertook to
implement certain reforms in the fields of politics, democracy,
freedom of speech, human rights defense, environmental protection,
education, healthcare, social issues, etc. the agreement also
states that the financing will stop if the country fails to meet
the commitments. This time they did not suspend the financing but
cautioned Armenia. MCA-Armenia CEO Ara Hovsepyan noted that "our
application for the tranche for January-March has bee complied with
and we continue working."

Despite that, the Millennium Challenge Corporation is still worried
about the last elections in Armenia and the post-election situation
in the country.

Dabaghian Diana:
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