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SCTO Quick Reaction Coalition Forces To Be Established


04.02.2009 17:52

The extraordinary sitting of the Collective Security Council of the
Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) was held in Moscow today
chaired by the President of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan.

Following the meeting of the Heads of State the sitting continued
in an extended format, featuring the National Security Secretaries,
the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs.

In compliance with the agreements reached during the non-official
summit in Kazakhstan in December 2008, the Heads of State discussed
and signed the decision of creating quick reaction coalition
forces. Presenting the decision, President Serzh Sargsyan described it
as an important step "targeted at strengthening the military component
of the Organization."

The CSTO Secretary General and the Joint Command of the Organization
were instructed to work out a package of normative acts deriving
from the decision on the creation of quick reaction coalition forces
and present it to the consideration of the statutory bodies within
three months.

Participants of the extraordinary sitting also discussed the place
and time of the next sitting and decided to hold it in Moscow in June
2009. The budget for 2009 was also determined.

During the sitting of the Collective Security Council Nikolay Bordyuzha
was reelected to the post of CSTO Secretary General.

0AFollowing a working dinner, the Heads of State participated in the
special sitting of the Interstate council of the Eurasian Economic
Community (EurAsEC). Issues of establishing a joint anti-crisis fund
and center of high technologies were discussed.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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