Categories: News

ARFD Proposes Marking August 11 In Armenia As Day Of Armenian Nation


Noyan Tapan

Feb 5, 2009

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 5, NOYAN TAPAN. On February 5, the RA National
Assembly in the first reading adopted a bill authored by ARFD faction
members, which envisages making addenda to the law On RA Coat of
Arms. According to main rapporteur Artsvik Minasian, addendum’s
goal is to prevent possible distortion and profanation of one of the
state symbols. The bill prohibits change of coat of arms’ picture,
structure, colors, as well as copied use of the coat of arms picture
established by the law or its components in other coats of arms,
distinguishing badges or symbols. It is also stipulated that state
local self-government bodies’ coats of arms or organizations’ symbols
must not be like the RA coat of arms.

Two bills envisaging addenda to the law On RA Holidays and
Commemorative Days were also adopted in the first reading.

The bill authored by the ARFD faction members proposes marking August
11 as Day of Armenian National Identity and holding all Armenian
events in the five days preceding it, on Navasard Holidays. The day’s
choice is grounded by the fact that according to Armenian chroniclers,
country’s and nation’s forefather Hayk gained a victory for the sake of
nation’s liberty on August 11, 2492 B.C. The Armenian Saint Apostolic
Church adopted that day and now it is used it as the initial day of
Armenian calendar in the calendar of the Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin.

According to another bill envisaging making an addendum to the law
On RA Holidays and Commemorative Days authored by the members of
the NA Standing Committee of Science, Education, Culture, Youth
and Sports Affairs, it is proposed giving an official character to
international holidays marked so far on civil society’s initiative
in Armenia stipulating that besides traditional and church holidays,
international days can be also marked in Armenia.

Kharatian Ani:
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