BAKU: Sarkisian Claims Armenia ‘Not Afraid Of War’


AzerNews Weekly
Feb 11 2009

Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian has declared that his country
"was not afraid of war" with Azerbaijan.

The statement came during his address to "The Balkans and Caucasus
states" panel in Munich at the weekend. He alleged, however, that
despite threats being made by Azerbaijani representatives, Armenia
is not in favor of a resumption of hostilities.

Armenia has been occupying over 20% of Azerbaijan`s territory since
the early 1990s and years of peace talks have brought few tangible
results. Azerbaijani officials have repeatedly warned against
Yerevan`s policy of aggression, saying the country`s land will be
freed at any cost.

Sarkisian added that Georgia`s crackdown on its rebellious region
of South Ossetia in August 2008 had underscored the real level of
tension in the South Caucasus region.

"This was a warning to all interested parties that any careless word
or poorly thought-out step could cause unexpected consequences in
the region," he said.

Sarkisian said, further, that the arms race, the drive of countries
for increased military budgets and belligerent rhetoric are leading
to an escalation of tensions in the turbulent region which, in turn,
"causes provocations."

Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian has alleged that the
aspirations of Azerbaijani leaders to liberate the country`s land
at any cost was impeding efforts to find a peaceful solution to the
nearly two-decade-long dispute. "Azerbaijan`s raising its military
budget and its statements that the conflict might be resolved with
the use of force are complicating the peace process."