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President Of Turkmenistan Berdimuhamedov Receives Armenian Minister


Turkmenistan Government Website

Feb 11 2009

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Minister
of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenia Armen
Movsisian who had arrived in the Turkmen capital leading the government
delegation to participate in the first meeting of the Turkmen-Armenian
intergovernmental commission of economic cooperation.

Thanking for the opportunity of a personal meeting the guest conveyed
the heartfelt greeting to the Turkmen leader on behalf of President
of the Republic of Armenia Serj Sargsian and presented the letter
inviting to pay an official to Armenia. Taking an opportunity Armen
Movsisian congratulated Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the coming
national holiday of Turkmenistan – Fag Day and wished the Turkmen
leader and the people of Turkmenistan new impressive accomplishments
in implementing the large-scale reforms.

Thanking for the invitation and heartfelt congratulations Gurbanguly
Berdimuhamedov emphasized that Turkmenistan highly appreciated the ties
of friendship with its neighbours whom it was bound with partnership
as well as common history and traditions.

Exchanging views on the current condition and further trends in
mutually advantageous cooperation the sides focused with satisfaction
at the countries’ willingness to comprehensively develop and
intensify the intergovernmental dialogue characterized by mutual
confidence, understanding and friendship. The sides were unanimous
that the intergovernmental commission established on the initiative
of the Turkmen leader would substantially contribute to effective
collaboration. The agenda of the Turkmen-Armenian relations included
a broad range of the issues of mutual interest particularly in regard
to implementation of the national priorities and interests of each
partner and the existing profound potential of partnership.

Specifying the fields of further cooperation the President and
his guest focused on the trade, economic and humanitarian sphere
as the priority ones. Emphasis was put on further enhancement of
constructive partnership in the fuel and energy sector, transport
and communication standing as key factor for strengthening the
intergovernmental relations.

Informing of Armenia’s willingness to intensify collaboration with
Turkmenistan Armen Movsisian expressed belief that the first meeting of
the intergovernmental commission called upon to specify the priority
fields of effective cooperation would create powerful incentives to
maintain it.

In conclusion Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success to the Armenian
delegation and fruitful work to the Turkmen-Armenian intergovernmental

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of
Armenia to Turkmenistan Vladimir Badalian attended the meeting.

Tvankchian Parkev:
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