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Crossroads E-Newsletter – 2/26/2009

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
Email: Prelacy@mindspring.com

February 26, 2009


Last week we reported on the annual Ghevontiank clergy
gathering that took place in Philadelphia, February 16-18. Every two
years the clergy from the three North American Prelacies gather for a
joint conference. This year’s combined gathering was hosted by St.
Gregory the Illuminator Church in Philadelphia. Presiding over the
gathering were the three Prelates: Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
(Eastern), Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian (Western), and Archbishop
Khajag Hagopian (Canadian).

During the three-day conference the clergy participated in
prayer services, attended lectures, and discussed a number of agenda
items including the commemoration of the "Year of the Youth," the recent
World General Assembly, the 50th anniversary celebration ns,
inter-church relations, and last month’s visit of His Holiness Aram I to
the Vatican.

This week we offer some additional photographs of this event.

Archbishops Oshagan, Moushegh and Khajag and Bishop Anoushavan
during the opening of the clergy conference.

A workshop during the conference.

Bishop Anoushavan delivers the Sermon during the Liturgy.

The clergy with Yn. Marie Hagopian at the gravesite of Archpriest
Fr. Arsen Hagopian.

The clergy lead a visit to the gravesite of Rev. Fr. Dickran

The Prelates and clergy visit the Armenian Sisters Academy, where
they were welcomed by the principal, Sister Louiza and the students.


Arcbhishop Oshagan will preside over the Divine Liturgy and
deliver the Sermon this Sunday, March 1, at Sts. Vartanantz Church,
Ridgefield, New Jersey. The Divine Liturgy will be celebrated by
Archpriest Moushegh Der Kaloustian


Archbishop Oshagan will travel to Lebanon next week where he
will confer with His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of
Cilicia. The next weekend (March 7 and 8), His Eminence will be in the
Armenian village of Kessab in Syria where he will officiate over the
ordinations ceremonies of Deacon Hrair Bedourian. Dn. Hrair is a
graduate of the Armenian Theological Seminary of the Cilician See, and
has been continuing his higher education at the Near East School of
Theology in Beirut. After his ordination and 40-day retreat, he will
come to the United States for a training period of one year before he is
assigned to a parish in the Eastern Prelacy.

Archbishop Oshagan noted that he decided to have this
ordination in Kessab, not only because the candidate from Kessab, but
primarily because he wanted the local community to have the opportunity
to witness an ordination of a priest. The historic community of Kessab
has produced a number of clergymen-the best known being His Holiness
Karekin I, of blessed memory.


The Prelacy Lenten program started last night, the first in a
series of six consecutive Wednesday evenings, from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Held
at the Armenian Center in Woodside, New York (due to the renovation of
St. Illuminator’s Cathedral), the two-hour program included a Husgoom
Service and a lecture, followed by a meal/fellowship, presided over by
His Grace Bishop Anoushavan, Vicar General, with the participation of
Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, pastor of St. Sarkis Church (Douglaston, New
York), and Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, pastor of St. Illuminator’s
Cathedral (New York City).

The "Beatitudes" (yeraniner) is the theme for the Lenten
lecture series. Last night, Bishop Anhoushavan reflected on the verse,
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"
(Matthew 5:3). His Grace first gave an overall introduction to the
Beatitudes. He then showed how the words "poor" and "blessedness" are
used in different parts of the Bible. He said, the one who is poor in
spirit is a humble person who recognizes his spiritual condition that he
is dependant on God, in that he is in need of God’s grace and mercy.

Next Wednesday, March 4, Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, pastor of
St. Sarkis Church in Douglaston, New York, will reflect on "Blessed are
those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled"
(Matthew 5:14).

The Lenten program is sponsored by the Prelacy’s Armenian
Religious Education Council (AREC), the Prelacy Ladies Guild (PLG), and
the Ladies Guild of St. Illuminator’s Cathedral.

For information forthcoming lectures click here.


The next Forum for young professionals will take place on
Thursday, April 16. The special presentation is entitled, "Remembering
the Forgotten: The Untold Story of Clergymen Lost to the Genocide."
Yeretzgeen Joanna Baghsarian of Sts. Vartanantz Church in Providence,
will tell the story of how a group of her students took a proactive role
in remembering these forgotten martyrs, reminding us that not even
genocide could destroy our Armenian faith and spirit. Between 1915 and
1938, the Armenian Church lost 5,000 clergymen to the Ottoman Empire’s
genocide and to Joseph Stalin’s purges.

Admission is free, but RSVP is required. The presentation will
begin exactly at 7:15 pm and will take place at the Prelacy’s Vahakn and
Hasmig Hovnanian Hall. RSVP to events@armenianprelacy.org or

To see a short video about the April 16th Forum click here.


On Sunday, March 8, the Prelacy and Prelacy Ladies Guild
proudly present the 26th Musical Armenia concert at Will Recital Hall at
Carnegie Hall, New York City. The featured artists are the cellist David
Bakamjian and the violinist Cecee Pantikian. They will be joined by the
violist Molly Carr, the pianist Christine Diwyk, and the pianist Anna

Mr. Bakamjian, Ms. Pantikian and their collaborators will
perform an eclectic program that includes a violin sonata by Edvard
Grieg, Leos Janacek’s Pohadka for cello with piano accompaniment, the
violin and viola duo Passacaglia, written by Johan Halverson and based
on a set of variations for harpsichord by George Frideric Handel, as
well as compositions by Aram Khachaturian, Alexander Arutunian, and

Tickets can be purchased ($30) at the Carnegie Hall Box
Office, 212-247-7800, or at the Prelacy, 212-689-7810. For more
information click here.


His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia,
has designated the year 2009 as the "Year of The Youth."

To read His Holiness’ message in Armenian click here.

To read His Holiness’ message in English click here.


A Six-part program on "Great Prayers of the Bible" will begin
at the Prelacy next Thursday, March 5, and continue every other
Thursday, from 7:15 to 8:45 pm (March 5, 10, April 2, 16, 30 and May
14). The program will include a number of biblical prayers that have
been incorporated into the liturgical prayers and services of the
Armenian Church. Dn. Shant Kazanjian, director of the Prelacy’s Armenian
Religious Education Council (AREC), will conduct the Bible studies. The
program is open to all and is free of charge. To register, please send
an email to arec@armenianprelacy.org or call 212-689-7810.


On Bible Study evenings, the Prelacy Bookstore will remain
open until 7 pm. The dates of the upcoming Bible Study series are: March
5, 10, April 2, 16, 30, and May 14.


The 23rd annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer Program,
for youth ages 13-18, is scheduled to take place at the St. Mary of
Providence Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania, from June 28 to July 5,
2009, preceded by a weekend retreat (optional) from June 26-28, 2009.
The Program is sponsored by the Armenian Religious Education Council

For more information click here.


As part of the year-long celebration of the "Year of the
Youth," the dioceses of Aleppo and Lebanon are organizing a pilgrimage
to Deir Zor for the youth on May 2. His Holiness Catholicos Aram I will
join the youth in this pilgrimage. Details will follow.


We note with sadness the death of Armen Haghnazarian, one of
the best authorities on Armenian architecture, on February 19. He was
born in Tehran in 1941. He studied architecture in Germany from 1961 to
1968. He was the founder of the organization, Research on Armenian
Architecture. He worked tirelessly to bring attention to the necessity
of the reconstruction of St. Thaddeus Monastery in Iran, and he took
part in the actual reconstruction. He was an ardent supporter of the
Land and Culture Organization. One of his last activities was alerting
UNESCO and European Union special committees about the annihilation of
the Armenian cemetery by Nakhijevan’s Azerbaijan authorities.


Bible reading for today, Thursday, February 26, is: Romans

Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into
Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we have been buried
with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from
the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of
life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will
certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. We know that
our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be
destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin. For whoever has
died is freed from sin. But if we have died with Christ, we believe that
we will also live with him. We know that Christ, being raised from the
dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. The
death he died, he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives, he
lives to God. So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive
to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore, do not let sin exercise dominion in
your mortal bodies, to make you obey their passions. No longer present
your members to sin as instruments of wickedness, but present yourselves
to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and present
your members to God as instruments of righteousness. For sin will have
no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.
(Romans 6:3-14)

For listing of the coming week’s Bible readings click here.


This Saturday, February 28, the Armenian Church commemorates
St. Theodore the Warrior. Theodore was a soldier in the Roman army
during the reign of Emperor Lucinius and noted for his exceptional
bravery. His parents were devout Christians and he was educated in the
Christian faith. The traditional story relates how Theodore, armed with
a sword and prayer to the Lord, killed a serpent that was terrorizing
people and animals. In appreciation of his bravery he was elevated to
the rank of Captain. The Roman emperor began a campaign against the
Christians with the intention of eradicating the new faith. When it
became known that Theodore was a Christian the military tribunal, taking
into consideration his brave service, found him to be a good soldier who
made a mistake and was given the opportunity to renounce his Christian
faith. He refused and was martyred in 319 A.D. in Heraclea, Thrace.


As of Monday we entered the period of Great Lent (Medz Bahk)
and the Church has taken on a mournful and penitential manifestation.
The altar is closed with a black curtain, symbolic of the expulsion of
Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Holy Communion is not offered
during the liturgical service. It is a period of reflection in our
spiritual journey toward Easter.

Each of the Sundays during Lent has a theme. This Sunday,
March 1, is the Sunday of the Expulsion (Artaksman Kiraki). The message
is a continuation of the last Sunday’s Paregentan theme, namely, Adam
and Eve’s fall and banishment from Paradise because of their
disobedience. "Of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil
you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die,"
(Genesis 2:17). With their expulsion from Paradise, humankind was thus
condemned to experience death, pain, and sorrow. The hymns sung on the
first two Sundays of Lent remind us of the expulsion, and give sinners
the good tidings that they may render themselves worthy through

O Lord, you first gave the holy observance of the law in
paradise. But the first creatures disobeyed you by eating the forbidden
fruit and thus tasted the bitterness of sin and death. Therefore, enable
us to taste the sweetness of your commandments.

(from the sharagan sung on the Sunday of the Expulsion).


The lectures on Armenian Art that were part of the Sunday at
the Met series (Armenian Khatchkar Sunday at the Met), at the
Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC), are now available on iTunesU. URL is:

Please note: If you do not have iTunes on your computer, you will
be directed to a free download of the application.


Armenian Coloring Book for Children, crearted and designed by
Taline Najarian and illustrated by Suzanne Anoushian Froundjian. What
could be a better pastime for children than a coloring book? This
78-page coloring book is extra special because it combines fun and
learning. Children are introduced to the Armenian alphabet in an
easy-to-follow format. It ALSO introduces words and pronunciation along
with sentences for usage and illustrations that children recognize.

Soft cover, 78 pages, 8-1/2 x 11, $14.00 plus shipping and



The Gospel reading for the Eve of Great Lent reminds us that
although we celebrate the Sunday of Good Living (Poun Paregentan) prior
to beginning our Lenten journey, it is also the Sunday of forgiveness as
evidenced in the words of our Lord Jesus Christ who told us to forgive
others as God has forgiven us, for it we cannot forgive others their
transgressions God will not forgive our sins.

True forgiveness is first manifested in our being able to
forgive one another; God’s mercy is revealed by the way we treat one
another. Great Lent is a gift from God. We have forty days to look into
ourselves and seek forgiveness and repentance. When we bring back God
into our hearts we find the goodness in ourselves which makes it so much
easier to find goodness in others.

This period of examination helps us in our struggle to be more
forgiving of others, and to realize that when we forgive others we life
a heavy burden from our own shoulders. As always the choice is ours. A
blessed a peaceful journey through Great Lent.

Rev. Fr. Vartan Kassabian

Pastor, St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church of Merrimack Valley

North Andover, Massachusetts

———————————————– —————————


March 1-Medical Workshop, hosted by St. Illuminator’s Cathedral,
New York City, featuring the Armenian American Health Professionals
Organization (AAHPO).

March 1-Annual Membertship meeting, Sts. Vartanantz Church,
Ridgefield, New Jersey. For information, 201-943-2950.

March 1-Annual Membership Meeting in Community Center, Expulsion
Sunday, immediately following Divine Liturgy, St. Gregory the
Illuminator Church, Granite City, Illinois.

May 3-Holy Trinity Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, will present
the musical "Hello Ellis Island," by Hourig Papazian Sahagian, performed
by the musical ensemble "The Way We Were," Sunday, May 3, 2 pm at
Quinsigamond Community College’s Hebert Auditorium, 670 West Boylston
Street, Worcester. For information: 508-852-2414.

March 5-New six-part Bible Studies program at the Prelacy begins
and continues on the following Thursdays: March 5, 19, April 2, 16, 30,
May 14, from 7:15 to 8:45 pm. Dn. Shant Kazanjian, director of the
Armenian Religious Education Council will lead the sessions. Open to all
and free of charge. For registration and information contact
arec@armenianprelacy.org or 212-689-7810. The Prelacy bookstore will
remain open from 5 to 7 pm on each of these evenings.

March 8-Musical Armenia, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, New
York City, sponsored by Prelacy and Prelacy Ladies Guild, featuring
David Bakamjian, cellist, and Cecee Pantikian, violinist. For details
click here.

March 14-New England Ladies Guilds Regional Conference, hosted by
St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley, North Andover, Massachusetts,
and the National Association of Ladies Guilds. Alternate date in case of
inclement weather, March 21. For information shakar07@comcast.net.

March 15-Mortgage Burning Celebration Banquet, St. Sarkis Church,
Douglaston, New York, 1:30 pm. For information contact church office

March 15-Seminar for Sunday School teachers and staff, Sts.
Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church (Ridgefield, New Jersey), conducted
by Deacon Shant Kazanjian, director of the Armenian Religious Education
Council (AREC), 2 pm to 6 pm. Theme: The Creed (Havadamk).

March 28-ARS Eastern USA Centennial Gala Banquet, Yale Club, New
York City. Dr. Herand Markarian, MC; keynote speaker Representative Anna
G. Eshoo. Cocktails 7 pm, dinner 8:30 pm. For information:
mabprof45@aol.com or 201-934-8930.

APRIL 16-Quarterly Forum Series for young professionals. Yn.
Joanna Baghsarian of Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, will speak
about the untold story of the Armenian clergymen lost to the Genocide
and the Stalin purges, at the Prelacy’s Hovnanian Hall. Program will
begin promptly at 7:15 pm. Reception will follow. Admission is free but
RSVP is required. Contact events@armenianprelacy.org or 212-689-7810.

April 26-94th anniversary commemoration of the Armenian Genocide,
sponsored by the Knights of Vartan and participating organizations, at
Times Square (NYC), 2 pm. For information

April 22 & April 29-Introduction to the Divine Liturgy, St.
Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley, North Andover, Massachusetts.
(Please note: originally scheduled for January; dates have been

May 3-50th anniversary celebration of consecration of Sts.
Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey.

May 7-9-National Representative Assembly of Eastern Prelacy,
hosted by All Saints Armenian Apostolic Church, Glenview, Illinois.
Clergy Conference begins May 6.

May 7-8-National Association of Ladies Guilds (NALG) annual
conference. For information 781-762-4253.

June 28-Annual Madagh Picnic, St. Hagop Church (Racine), at
Johnson Park Picnic Grounds, 6200 Northwestern Ave., Racine, Wisconsin,
10:30 to 7 pm.

June 29 – July 5-St. Gregory of Datev Summer Institute, St. Mary
of Providence Center, Elverson, Pennsylvania.

July 18-Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island, Ladies
Guild/ARS Chapter present a Hye Summer Night 4 Dance at The Annunciation
Greek Church, Cranston, Rhode Island. For information, 401-434-4467.

———————————————– —————————

Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy’s
web site.

To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic
mailbox, add email@armenianprelacy.org to your address book.

Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
credit Crossroads as the source.

Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information
about their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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