Lena Badeyan
03.03.2009 14:54
Members of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun recently met with Prime Minister
Tigran Sargsyan and representatives of his economic team to suggest
the Party’s proposals regarding the ways of overcoming the crisis. Part
of them was accepted, others should be presented in the written form,
member of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun, economist Ara Nranyan told a press
conference today.
Dashnaktsutyun considers that only the development of the local
producer and the promotion of exports can ensure stable economic
growth under the conditions of the crisis. Nranyan is confident that
what the government is undertaking today is a little belated. "If
all this were done 3 or 4 years ago, the consequences of the economic
crisis on the republic would be much milder," he said.
The Deputy said that artificial high rate of the dram first of all
harms the local producer. The importers drew benefits here. For
Nranyan, it’s understandable that the rate of dram is changing,
"because it could not continue that way any more." He tried to predict
what will happen after the change of the dram’s rate.
"Under these conditions Dashnaktsutyn insists that the Government
should primarily refuse from tax pressures," Nranyan said.
In general, according to Ara Nranyan, the economic crisis in Arme
nia includes political elements, as well.