BAKU: Norwegian MP: "We Support The Territorial Integrity Of Azerbai


March 4 2009

Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Sweden, Norway and Finland Rafael Ibrahimov
held a meeting with members of Norwegian Parliament Jean Petersen,
Chairman of the Norwegian Defense Committee, Morten Hoglund, Head
of the Norwegian Delegation in OSCE and Marita Naybakk, member of
the delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly. The meeting was held
on March 3 at the Norwegian Parliament. Describing political and
economical situation in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani Ambassador underscored
that realization of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzrum
oil and gas projects, as well as the Baku-Akhalkalaki-Kars railway
project in partnership with Georgia and Turkey is the evidence to
friendship and cooperation between the countries of the region.

The Nagorno Karabakh and seven surrounding regions were occupied by
Armenia and over one million ethnic Azerbaijanis were ousted from
Karabakh, besides, Azerbaijani historical and cultural monuments,
towns and villages in Karabakh were destroyed, Mr. Ibrahimov
stressed. Touching upon the status of Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations
on Nagorno Karabakh, the Ambassador said that the settlement of
the conflict could only be achieved on the basis of restoration of
Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity.

Members of Norwegian Parliament said that it is necessary for both
sides of the conflict over Nagorno Karabakh to reach a peaceful
settlement based on the principles of international law. The MPs also
underscored that they support territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijani Ambassador and Norwegian MPs also discussed foundation
of Norway-Azerbaijan friendship body attached to the Parliament
of Norway.

Within the frames of his visit to Norway, Mr. Ibrahimov is expected
to meet other Norwegian officials and parliamentarians.