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IFJ Launches New Website To Promote Ethical Journalism


05.03.2009 12:50 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The International Federation of Journalists
(IFJ) has launched a new website to promote its Ethical
Journalism Initiative (EJI) Campaign about making core values of
journalism an integral part in today’s media worldwide. The website
(ethicaljournalisminitiative.org) will host information about the
campaign which is framed around key tenets of journalism such as truth
telling, independence and fairness as well as humanity and solidarity.

"The EJI website is an important source of information for journalism
practitioners and researchers," said Aidan White, IFJ General
Secretary. "It provides access to key documents for the profession
and showcases best practices by journalists and their unions across
the globe."

The EJI website will have information about important events to promote
the campaign with facilities to download material from the site. At the
time of the launch, the site contains a book, To Tell you the Truth,
which is an introduction to the background and some of the key themes
to consider in building an ethical environment for journalism.

There is also information about current project activities and
programs, some key texts and links to a network of campaigns and
groups striving to make journalism work for democracy.

"The role of media in helping to build democracy has never been more
important," added White. "Journalism provides the analysis, context
and commentary that keep citizens informed and allows them to play
their part in the life of society."

Antonian Lara:
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