Advocacy And Assistance Center Opens In Yerevan


Noyan Tapan

M arch 5, 2009

YEREVAN, MARCH 5, NOYAN TAPAN. An Advocacy and Assistance Center (AAC)
opened in Yerevan on March 2. It will be launched by Transparency
International Anti-corrution Center (TIAC) with the financing of
the USAID Mobilizing Action against Corruption Activity program. The
AAC will give legal advice and assistance to citizens to help with
examination of their complaints against corruption. Such centers
already function in Tavush, Lori, Shirak and Syunik marzes.

The US ambassador to Armenia Marie Yovanovitch pointed out the
willingness of the US administration to assist with democratic
reforms and efficient government in Armenia. In her words, in order
to reduce the corruption, it is necessary to adopt a comprehensive
approach, including the creation of such a system of government
that will prevent manifestations of corruption and make them most
noticeable. She underlined the role of NGOs and the independent media
in revealing corruption cases.

The head of TIAC Amalia Kostanian said: "We can assist the state if
a will to fight corruption really exists". In her opinion, although
reforms in this direction are being implemented in some spheres,
these steps are not sufficient. "A question arises: why do not
the authorities address such corrupted spheres as the electoral and
judicial systems?" A. Kostanian asked, adding that in order to achieve
success, system reforms should be made in all the spheres.