NKR: Implementation Of An Unprecedented Program Is Starting In NKR


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2009-03-06 15:50
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

Presentation of a large-scale investment program on the development
of the NKR power system has taken place in Stepanakert. The program
will be implemented by the ‘Artsakh HPS’ open joint-stock company.

The peculiarity of this program is that all the individuals and
legal entities in Artsakh in Armenia are offered for the first time
to become shareholders of the joint-stock company.

Director-General of the ‘Artsakh HPS’ Vahram Beglarian called on the
citizens, offices, and organizations of the Republic to take an active
part in this program envisaging construction of some mini hydropower
stations in the NKR territory.

"Participating in this program, you’ll become shareholders of the
stations and get corresponding benefits", noted Vahram Beglarian.

It is planned to involve also citizens of Armenia and Diaspora
representatives in the program.

The program will have 3-stage implementation. The first stage
will comprise construction of one station on the Trghe River and
2 stations on the storage reservoir in Martakert region’s Madaghis
village. According to the preliminary calculations, about 3 billion and
450 million Armenian Drams will be needed for building these hydropower
stations, and the ‘Artsakh HPS’ will issue the first lot of share s
within this amount. The shares will be sold at 1050 Armenian Drams
each, the par value of which is 1000 AMD. The subscription for the
shares will last till April 10, 2009. The shareholders are supposed
to get about 15-percent benefits.

According to NKR Prime Minister Ara Harutyunian, since 1995, the NKR
Government has elaborated a corresponding program on the development
of the NKR power system, but due to the lack of investors, it hasn’t
come true for many years.

"We have already conducted certain works, and the first HPS will be
put into operation in 2009. Considering the evolution of the energy
vectors’ rise at the world market, this program will be significant
for our country’s economy and its population. We must ensure our
energy independence", noted the NKR Premier.

The total need in electric power in NKR makes 220-230 million kW/h.

Currently, the only Sarsang hydropower station in the NKR Martakert
region provides 40-60% of the Republic’s needs. The implementation of
the large-scale program on building and putting into operation mini
hydropower stations will fully meet the Republic’s needs in electric
power and ensure the energy security of NKR.

More detailed information on the program can be got at
