Categories: News

‘Terrible’ Armenia In The Eyes Of Certain Azerbaijani ‘Groundbreaker


2009-03-06 11:43:00

ArmInfo. ‘European states and international organizations should
realize that today Armenia poses a serious threat to regional
security’, said head of the Center of Political Innovations and
Technologies, certain Mubariz Ahmedoghlu at a press conference
Thursday, an Azerbaijani media reported.

To ground his equally silly and dogmatic statement, certain mubariz
declared that Armenia ‘has recently attempted to use the "Christianity"
card’ making use of the resistance between the catholic and orthodox
churches. At the same time, this mubariz for some unknown reason
calls the Armenian Gregorian Church catholic. He blames Armenia for
the desire to prove to someone and for some eason (which is not clear)
that Armenia is the only catholic state in the South Caucasus.

Leaving alone the theological views or, more precisely, full absence
of any in the statements of a certain mubariz, we’d like to mention
another stylistic howler which is a regular result of the Azerbaijani
innovator’s ‘thoughts’. ‘Armenia is a weak state and therefore under
the influence of external powers might launch war against other
states, including Georgia and Russia. Yerevan has already received
West’s support’, mubariz said.

Mr. Aliyev Junior, we are well aware that oil prices are
slipping as well as the funds you provide for the anti- Armenian
propaganda. However, we sincerely sympathize with the Azerbaijani
taxpayers whose funds you waste distributing them to certain
mubarizes. Nevertheless we advise you at least to check their mental
abilities before paying them for the anti-Armenian propaganda. Given
the statements by the aforementioned mubariz, this advice is not

Ekmekjian Janet:
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