UAE Will Discuss Armenia’s Proposal


[01:51 pm] 06 March, 2009

On March 6 Serzh Sargsyan received the Minister of Foreign Trade of
the United Arab Emirates, Mrs. Sheikha Lubna Khalid al Qasimi.

The President emphasised Armenia’s willingness to expand the
multifaceted cooperation with the United Arab Emirates and expressed
hope that the Minister’s visit will serve as an additional impetus.

According Sheikha al Qasimi, Armenian businessmen suggested a serious
package of joint programmes, which will be discussed in the near
future with broad business circles of the United Arab Emirates. The
Minister appreciated the fact that like the UAE, Armenia pays great
attention to education and human resources, in general.

The parties pointed to high technologies, energy, agriculture and
tourism as the most promising spheres of cooperation.

Serzh Sargsyan said the progress and achievements of the United Arab
Emirates are impressive and added that the experience could be useful
to Armenia.

He also expressed gratitude for the assistance the Abu Dhabi
Development Fund provided to the water economy of Armenia and the
donation of the Governor of Sharzha for the reconstruction of the
infrastructures of "Haghartsin" church complex.