Bullhorn Diplomacy

Bullhorn Diplomacy

Published: Friday March 6, 2009

This week it was announced by the Turkish media, quoting official
sources, that Armenia, in an effort to accommodate Turkish foreign
minister Ali Babacan’s schedule, has postponed a scheduled meeting of
the Black Sea Economic Council, scheduled in Yerevan.

It took the Armenian foreign ministry two days to announce that it had
not changed any dates to accommodate the Turkish foreign minister,
asserting that the meeting was scheduled for April 16 to begin with.

This was yet another announcement that has appeared in the Turkish
media of late that makes it appear as if Turkey is proactive in its
willingness to normalize relations with Armenia.

This, coupled with the expressions of `concern’ from Azeris that
normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia would hinder
Azerbaijan’s negotiating position in the Karabakh conflict illustrate
the concerted campaign being waged.

The Turkish media and Turkish officials are also utilizing this
`robust’ approach by Turkey to send a message to the international
community–especially the United States–that any effort to recognize
the Armenian Genocide would be counterproductive to the inroads in this

Day in and day out we are barraged by reports on Turkey’s posturing on
this and other regional issues, with the Turkish media often being used
to stir the pot and leave the
public in somewhat of a quandary.

Conspicuously absent from this war of words is official Yerevan, which
appears to be taking a more reactionary position to issues and waiting
to respond rather than to put forth a position that would be vital in
this evolving process.

While the Turkish foreign ministry does not shy away from discussing
the Genocide resolution and Turkish-Armenian relations on a daily
basis, either through announcements or clever press leaks, the Armenian
foreign ministry, which stated at the onset of the new administration
that the international recognition of the Genocide is a foreign policy
priority, remains quiet and at times on the fringes of this discussion.

Especially important is the fact that April 24 is around the corner and
efforts to introduce a Genocide resolution in Congress have begun to
take shape.

The same can be said about the Karabakh conflict.

This week the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs visited the region and
announced plans for another Armenian-Azeri presidential meeting.

The Azeri press is filled to the rim with reports, analysis and
conjecture about the recent visit and upcoming talks, shaping public
opinion both within Azerbaijan and stakeholder circles.

Armenia, on the other hand, continues to remain hush about its
approaches and assessments.

At a juncture where we are being told that the conflict resolution
talks are centered on the very dubious Madrid Principles, conje
and hearsay could critically hinder public opinion vis-?-vis the final
peace proposal.

Whether it is Turkey’s bullhorn diplomacy or the current trend of
projecting Azerbaijan as a victim, the evasiveness and ambiguity of
official Yerevan does not come off as a prudent tactic.

Friday, March 6, 2009