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NKR: Increase of Prices will be Controlled by Government

Increase of Prices will be Controlled by Government

NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department

March 04, 2009

Today, the NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan has called a press
conference with the aim of clarifying the current financial and
economic processes. Briefly presenting the prehistory of the RA Central
Bank’s passing to the "floating rate" of the USA dollar, the head of
the Government noted with regret that the increase of the cost of this
currency caused a chaotic situation in a number of trading points of
the Republic. Some of the managers artificially raised the prices of
some products or withdrew them from circulation. The Government will
not endure such kind of steps, this issue has already been discussed
with the Executives and appropriate tasks have been assigned to them,-
the Prime Minister announced.

Answering the questions of the journalists, A.Haroutyunyan assured that
the unsubstantiated increase of prices will be prevented and called the
population not to submit to the influence of the conspiratorial
statements of separate persons. It was assured that the trading chaos
will be settled in 1-2 days and everything will continue to develop
regularly in accord with market mentality, under the state control.
According to the Prime Minister separate products imported will rise in
price by 15-20 percent, greater rises in price will not occur
especially in the list of everyday consumer goods which are produced in
the NKR or in Armenia. There is still a great supply of products in
Artsakh, this, in its turn, will have a positive influence on the
substantiated price formation,- reported the head of the Government.

He noted as well that appropriate penalties will be applied towards the
trading points, where inadmissible market actions will occur.

Basmajian Ani:
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