Women Politicians to Attend Parliaments of England, Scotland, Wales


Armenian women politicians to attend parliaments of England, Scotland
and Wales 07.03.2009 13:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On Mar 9-14 18 members of parliamentary and extra
parliamentary political parties and 3 AR MPs: Armen Melikyan
(Prosperous Armenia Party), Rafik Grigoryan (RPA) and Artyush
Shakhbazyan (Dashnaktsutyun Faction) will visit the Great Britain
withing the framework of `Wo/Men in Politics’ Program organised by
Armenian Representation of British Council. The visit aims to
familiarize Armenian politicians with GB parliamentary system,
legislation, and the appliaction of laws in the establishment of equal
rights for men and women politicians. Visits to English, Scotch and
Welsh Parliaments are on agenda.