EC released EUR 3 million in budget support to Armenia

European Commission released EUR 3 million in budget support to Armenia
from the Food Security Programme
10.03.2009 18:10

The European Commission Food Security Programme in Armenia is an
instrument of balance of payments and national budget support. The EC
Food Security Programme has been supporting the State Budget of the
Republic of Armenia since the 1997 fiscal year. Since then 10 annual
Programmes were successfully completed granting ?¬ 96.5 million for
direct budget support and ?¬ 5.5 million for technical assistance and
follow up.

With the successfully implemented EC Food Security Programme 2007-2008,
the total FSP contribution to Armenia’s development sum up to EUR 105

The overall objectives of the EC Food Security Programme for 2007-2008
were in tune with the Armenian Poverty Reduction Strategy and aim i) to
contribute to the overall effort by the Government and the society to
reduce poverty though sustainable economic growth and development, and
ii) to maintain the momentum for reform in agriculture.

The specific objective of the EC Food Security Programme for 2007-2008
was to assist the Government of Armenia to improve the design,
management, delivery and effectiveness of state programmes and services
in agriculture that are aimed at reducing food insecurity, and
particularly to improve efficiency in the area of animal health and
phytosanitary policy.