Kurdish Council of Armenia Pres.: Turkey still committing genocide

President of Kurdish Council of Armenia: Turkey still committing

2009-03-10 17:39:00

ArmInfo. Turkey committed Genocide of Armenians at the state level in
1915. Now it is committing Genocide of Kurds, President of Kurdish
Council of Armenia Knyaz Hasanov said at a press conference in Yerevan
Tuesday. He said Kurds are severely repressed in Turkey and put against
each other. In particular, thousands of Kurds are forcefully sent to
Iraq to fight against their compatriots
residing in that country.

As regards the participation on Kurds in the massacre of Armenians in
the Ottoman Empire, K. Hasanov said those were separate Kurds and not
the whole nation.

For his part, Chairman of the Public Organization of Greeks of Armenia
‘Patrida’ Eduard Polatov said Greek have always been for recognition of
Armenian Genocide. ‘Armenians and Greek are two nations that have
always been subjected to pressures in the territory of Armenia. The
purposeful genocide was against Armenians and Greeks, the real masters
of today’s Turkey. Instead of repenting, Turkey denies the reality’, E.
Polatov said.