Mining industry was first to feel the impact of the global crisis

Mining industry was the first to feel the impact of the global crisis
09.03.2009 14:59

Karen Ghazaryan

One of the priority branches of economy ` the mining industry ` was
among the first to feel the impact of the global financial-economic
crisis. The sphere found itself in a hard situation because of the
unprecedented fall of prices. As for Armenia’s shift to the floating
exchange rate, some representatives of the sphere say the depreciation
of the national currency will have a positive influence on mining

Director of the ACP Group Gagik Arzumanyan told a press conference
today that any exporting company will benefit from the depreciation of
the national currency.

`Mining industry is the sphere, the production of which directly or
indirectly exported from the country. Therefore, all the enterprises of
the field find themselves in an advantageous position with the
weakening of the Armenian dram against dollar,’ Gagik Arzumanyan said.