Moldova to be assigned 60 mln. euro within Eastern Partnership


Moldova to be assigned 60 mln. euro within Eastern Partnership
07.03.2009 18:23 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Moldova will be assigned 60 mln. euro within the
Eastern Partnership, said Mr. Kalman Mizsei, EU Special Representative
in Chisinau.

At that he stressed that the initiative doesn’t suppose accession of 6
post-soviet republics to the EU but will bring them closer to European
standards, RBC reports.

The Eastern Partnership targets six former soviet republics – Ukraine,
Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and, provisionally, Belarus.

It is meant to complement the Northern Dimension and the Union for the
Mediterranean by providing an institutionalized forum for discussing
visa agreements, free trade deals and strategic partnership agreements
with the EU’s eastern neighbors.