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Some forces use the Discharge of Javakhk Armenian Activists


Some forces use the Discharge of Javakhk Armenian Activists to jeer at
Georgian authorities
09.03.2009 21:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Tbilisi’s unexpected decision to free Javakhk
Armenian activists Sergey Hakobjanyan and Grigor Minasyan is used by
various groups as a means to jeer at Georgian authorities. Others tend
to treat it as `secret agreements,’ reports PanARMENIAN.Net as per
Vahe Sarkisyan’s, comments, an expert at `Mitk’ analytical
centre. `The aim of these groups is to harm Minasyan and Hakobjanyan’s
reputation by presenting them in the eyes of the public as suspicious
personalities in collusion with Georgian authorities, noted Vahe
Sarkisyan. It is funny when the fact of Armenian activists’ discharge
is interpreted by such `dirty means’; when the real circumstances
under which they were discharged are not clear yet. So far this event
has not been commented by Grigor Minasyan himself or by Sergey
Hakobjanyan. Correspondingly, any comments containing suspicious
facts, are provocative and they are aimed at involving both Armenians
into the ‘dirty game’ at the least,’ Vahe Sarkisyan noted.’ In short
this program is aimed at getting rid of Minasyan and Hakobjanyan,’ the
expert thinks. As Vahe Sarkisyan mentions, Sergey Hakobjanyan and
Grigor Minasyan have always had a high reputation in Javakhk and the
Armeniains of the region will always treat them accordingly.

Nanijanian Alex:
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