Letters of commendation to teachers

Letters of commendation to teachers
09.03.2009 16:26

Alisa Gevorgyan

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day RA Minister of
Education and Science Spartak Seyranyan presented letters of
commendation of the Ministry to a number of representatives of the
field of education and science.

`In this age of information technologies it’s incomparably harder to
work with today’s students,’ teachers said, when speaking about the
problems schools face today.

Director of Vedi secondary school #2 Greta Grigoryan is more than
assured that one cannot become a good specialist by simply graduating
from a higher educational establishment. It’s necessary to understand
the psychology of the younger generation and take into consideration
their interests. However, according to her, the interests of the
teachers and students often fail to overlap in the field of information
technologies, which results in certain consequences.

`Teachers should keep abreast with today’s spirit and try not to fall
behind children,’ Greata Grigoryan is assured.

The issue of information technologies is urgent also at the secondary
school of Lukashen community in Armavir marz. Director of the school
Gohar Margaryan says that because of the lack of technologies, children
have more opportunities to get information outside the school.
According to her, the role of computers in making the process of
education more interesting cannot be underestimated.