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Political expert: US pres not to recognize The Genocide in near futu

Armenian political expert: US president not to recognize Armenian
genocide in the near future

2009-03-13 14:40:00

ArmInfo. US President Barack Obama will not recognize Armenian genocide
in the near future, Armenian political expert Sergey Shakaryants said
at today’s press-conference.

‘Barack Obama’s electoral programme was full of promises about
changing. As for his promise to recognize the Armenian genocide, I
think we should carefully treat it. We should not expect that Obama’s
administration will recognize the Armenian genocide over the first
months of its activity. Even if Obama recognizes the genocide, I think
this will happen by the end of ruling’, – Shakaryants said.

The political expert did not rule the circumstance that in the USA
activation of supporters for recognition of the genocide is connected
with the recent scandal between president of Israel and prime minister
of Turkey in Davos, as the great majority of the political elite of the
USA reflect interests of the Jewish lobby.

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