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President Sargsyan meets members of the Public Council

President Sargsyan meets members of the Public Council

12.03.2009 17:52

President Serzh Sargsyan today met the twelve members of the Public
Council. The President thanked members of the group coordinating the
formation of the Council. The President informed that on March 11 he
affirmed the Charter of the Council, which envisages a three-layer
system of formation of the Public Council.

Noting that another 24 members of the Council still have to be
appointed, the President said through the activity of corresponding
working groups the 36 members of the Council will ensure the
participation of all sectors of society in the decision-making process.

Underlining that the society has certain expectations from the Public
Council, the President expressed hope that there are a number of sound
forces and individuals who wish to combine their efforts on the way of
solving the issues the country faces. He noted also that there are
certain political forces and individuals who mind the formation of this
structure because of this or that reason.

The President of the Republic suggested Vazgen Manukyan to take up the
responsibility of coordinating the Council’s activity until the staff
is filled up. The President proposed to work actively and ensure
necessary legal bases for the Public Council to have an opportunity to
present its advisory opinion to the National Assembly. Besides, members
of the Public Council should
have an opportunity to participate in the
Government sittings.

President Sargsyan once again congratulated the newly appointed members
of the Council and wished them productive activity.

Karagyozian Lena:
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