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Tax Payers For Agricultural Lands To Receive Some Tax Concessions


Noyan Tapan

M arch 16, 2009

YEREVAN, MARCH 16, NOYAN TAPAN. 69 issues, including 10 international
agreements presented by Armenian president for ratification, are on
the agenda of the National Assembly’s plenary session that started
on March 16.

After approving the agenda, the parliament passed in first reading
two bills and a legislative package discussed at the previous 4-day
session. The bill and the package envisage amendments and additions
to a number of laws.

The bill on land tax concessions submitted by deputies of "RPA"
faction was passed in second reading and completely. It will apply
to natural persons with the liability to pay land tax on agricultural
lands in the administrative territory of a community as of December 31,
2008. In particular, those who will pay the calculated sum of the tax
(without the calculated fine) for the indicated period by October 1,
2009 will be exempt from these fines.

The vote on the package of amendments and additions to the Law on
the Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations and to the
RA Criminal Code (the package was discussed in first reading) was
postponed again. As NT correspondent was informed by the co-author
and main speaker of the legislative inititaive, chairman of the NA
Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
Issues, member of "RPA" faction Armen Ashotian, the package will be
put to the vote after an expert conclusion of the CE Venice Commission
is received.

Badalian Vardan:
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