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A1+: Levon Zurabyan: "The Regime Is Doomed"


07:26 pm | March 16, 2009


On March 16, the coordinator of the Armenian National Congress (HAK),
Levon Zurabyan, and the Spokesman for Armenia’s first President Levon
Ter-Petrosyan, Arman Musinyan, told a press conference detailing the
HAK decision to nominate Levon Ter-Petrosyan for Yerevan Mayor.

Levon Zurabyan noted that the opposition’s decision is a message
to the whole Armenian nation. The message states that the upcoming
election will not be an ordinary one. "Rather, it will be a struggle
for lawfulness. We have come to combat against this tyrannical,
criminal and oligarch system. We have come to establish democracy in
the country."

The 18 member-parties of the Armenian National Congress took a
unanimous decision on Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s nomination as a HAK
candidate. Levon Zurabyan says that after winning the election the
HAK will be able to continue the struggle for the establishment of
constitutional order and legality in the country from a more favorable
position. Therefore, the HAK calls on Yerevan civilians to participate
in the poll as "the clue to victory is in their hands." "It will not
be a struggle against Beglaryan. Our main rival is the regime and we
shall struggle against it," says the HAK coordinator.

Note that Levon Ter-Petrosyan heads the HAK ticket followed by the
Leader of the People’s Party of Armenia Stepan Demirtchyan.

Levon Zurabyan is convinced that the HAK will enjoy a glorious victory
as the "acting system is doomed." We have no doubts in this view. We
are certain that on May 31 people will unanimously vote for the HAK."

Levon Zurabyan says that the election may be viewed as the second
phase of the presidential election.

Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s spokesman Armen Musinyan noted the government
has also issued a message – "all the layers of the government will
be criminalised." "I am sure that the society will vote for the
oppositional message," added Musinyan.

Chakrian Hovsep:
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