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Almost Presidential Elections?


06:09 pm | March 17, 2009 | Social

First president Levon Ter-Petrosyan will head the list of candidates
of the Armenian National Congress during the upcoming elections for
Yerevan city council to be held on May 31 along with Republican
candidate Gagik Beglaryan, Health Minister from the "Prosperous
Armenia" party Harutyun Kushkyan. The remaining candidates remain

"A1+" took a small survey to find out what citizens have to say about
the upcoming elections, the candidates and what they expect from them.

Many citizens of Yerevan are not too excited about the upcoming
elections and say that the elections are going to be falsified again.

"We’ll see falsifications, people will get beaten and I am even afraid
that there will be more murders because the majority of people will
say no to falsified elections and will come out to the streets with the
hope of restoring justice," said mathematician Varuzhan Hayrapetyan.

Construction worker Arshak Mansuryan says that Gagik Beglaryan is
just the man for the office of mayor because the Kentron district
flourished and construction boomed during his years as district head.

Hovhannes Zakoyan said that these elections are going to be just
like the presidential elections because Levon Ter-Petrosyan is one
of the candidates.

"Levon Ter-Petrosyan changed the rules of the game and the authorities
are confused."

Many citizens think that the "Heritage" party shouldn’t think twice
about joining Levon Ter-Petrosyan because the votes will match and
nobody can falsify the elections.

Most citizens say that Levon Ter-Petrosyan will win in the upcoming
elections for mayor by a majority of the votes and that will give
him the opportunity to become president of the country once again.

Vardanian Garo:
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