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NKR: Perspective Of Country And Its Population Is In Village


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
March 13, 2009

On March 11, the Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan was the guest
of inhabitants of Togh and Toumi villages (Hadrout region). Annual
accounts of community heads Alexaner Shaboyan and Edik Mosiyan became
a reason for the questions, causing the villagers’ anxiety and approach
of the Government towards them be made public.

Works, carried out in Togh during the last year were much: the
most notable of it was repair of school building at the expense of
state means. It is anticipated that the school of Togh will become
sub regional sporting and cultural center and in this view the first
step to be taken here is solution of transportation problem: a minibus
carries musical teachers from Stepanakert and pupils from neighboring
villages in Togh.

Inhabitans’ requests for the Premier’s assistance were varied, for
example: one woman asked for a holiday at least for one of her two
sons being on military service in the army, as it is a hot period
for agricultural works and there is a shortage of working hands at
home; a resettler Silva Margaryan’s family had been renting a house
for more than a decade and at last it will have its own shelter. Ara
Haroutyunyan promised, and charged the head of village administration
with a task to solve the problem.

According to the community head’s words the most sizable assistance
of the state was in the sphere of agriculture. In Togh 6 mln drams
for autumn sowing, 52 tones of fertilizers, about 3 mln drams for
fallowing were received. 400 hectares of land were sowed and an
average crop capacity received formed 25 centners from a hectare. This
year also inhabitants of Togh started their work with the like
anticipation. Nevertheless, the Prime Minister was dissatisfied with
the approach revealed towards the other agricultural branches. In the
village, which has 730 inhabitants, there is only 268 cattle stock
and 1000 wings of bird. The villagers also had expressed their view
point: for example, they complained of having no veterinary surgeon,
and having difficulties with purchases.

In Toumi the villagers spoke out not only about storage of dairy
products, but about pig farming recommencement. The threat of hog
cholera isn’t still over. For resumption of works the authorities
are waiting for the specialists’ conclusion.

Cattle breeding is the second large-scale programme subject to the
state’s assistance, and already by the end of 2009 cattle breeding
crediting will start, the Premier announced. The state had started with
grain production and had set a demand to a villager to cultivate the
land conforming to the rules of agriculture with the aim to increase
the crop capacity of the fields, which finally is to villagers’
good. In the world being in food stuff famine, these two programmes
have to provide our food’s security, especially when we have great
opportunities for exporting ecologically clean products. Thus
perspective of the country and its population is in the village.

Well-being in such villages like Togh and Toumi means that the state
will be able to assist to other settlements, where creation of the
most primitive vital conditions is an issue of the day, and there
were responding to this view point.

About suggestions of the Toumi inhabitants: troubles of a villager
will be facilitated in case in the sub region there will be an office
for people don’t go to the regional center to dea with tax service or
bodies of cadastre of immovable property and notaries. The village
will get an ambulance car, fuel, a car for accomplishment works,
the road section of Hogher will be reconstructed before harvesting
will start,-the Prime Minister promised, but as to the gasification
of the village, it will be made other way.

For the prosperity of the sub region large-scale perspectives will
be opened by the development of tourism. In Togh the Prime Minister
informed that it is forteseen to restore palaces of meliks’ meetings,
in Toumi he had visited the former school building which was a wealthy
man Abraham Atabekyan’s house and now is a standing evidence of the
village’s and its inhabitants’ history of the last century.

Tambiyan Samvel:
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